Chapter Thirty-Six

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Black Manor
Tinsbury, England
Date: Thursday, 23rd of December 2021

It wasn't every day that Jenna DuBaer admitted she was wrong. That wasn't how any of her adopted parents raised her. She and Elliot believed it was an old money thing because that's all they knew. They were lucky to be sent to a wealthy family every time they relocated.

  However, tonight was different or this morning. The faint chime of the clock striking midnight echoed in the distance. Jenna stared at the ceiling as she thought about the fight. It wasn't groundbreaking that Draco was right. Although, it killed her to admit the fact.

"You will get wrinkles if you keep frowning,"

She gave a small smile to her grandma, "You'll get wrinkles smiling too. It's the story behind the lines that people should worry about,"

"What has you up so late, my love?" Druella asked taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Is it wedding day jitters?"

"I thought only the bride got those?" questioned Jenna, who sat up to face her grandmother.

"Not when she's been married seven times already. Honestly, cursed or not, I don't know what your father was thinking,"

The pair shared a laugh as thunder roared against the night sky. Jenna jumped slightly and placed a hand over her heart. She still had a fear of thunderstorms, even at her age.

"It appears we aren't the only ones that are upset about today," Druella stated, looking out into the gardens. She could barely see her beautiful enchanted flowers through the heavy downpour. The wind slammed the rain against the window, creating a cover from the outside. "I didn't know you were afraid of thunderstorms,"

Jenna cursed herself silently, "It's not a major fear, and it's one I don't tell people,"

"You still don't like them,"

"I like the rain,"

"That's different,"

Druella took it upon herself to recline against the bed and pull the covers over herself and Ara. Another flash of lightning made her granddaughter grab her hand tightly out of fear. Jenna waved her hand and drew the curtains shut magically. She didn't want to see the dark and dull outside world. There was enough of that in her day-to-day life.

Moments later, her grandmother wrapped an arm around her shoulder and drew her close. Jenna wrapped her arms around Druella and felt herself relax. Lady Black looked up to the ceiling and silently thanked Merlin that this was the only worldly fear her granddaughter had. Ara had such a troubled life; it was calming knowing she was only afraid of storms.

"Who gets married on a Thursday?" Jenna asked, suddenly curious by the odd choice of dates. Druella laughed and held onto her a little tighter. It was nice to have someone who found humor in every situation. Her little girl did, and she beamed nearly every minute of every day.

"Go to sleep, my love." She kissed Jenna's forehead. "You won't solve anything tonight,"


"You won't solve anything tonight,"

  Narcissa remembered the night her mother first uttered those words. It happened two days after Lucius broke up with her over Andromeda being a blood traitor. She felt uncompressed and small when her mother held her; it wasn't surprising considering Narcissa wasn't used to her mother showing affection.

"I have to. Mother, I have to win him back. He's who I am supposed to be with," she argued against her mother's logical reasoning.

"Lucius Malfoy did this because he was supposed to, not because it was what he wanted," Druella explained. Cygnus Black listened to the conversation with a heavy heart. One daughter left to marry a mud-blood; the other was dumped by her betrothed to clear his name.

"Whatever do you mean?"

He sighed, "Your mother means Lucius loves you too much to hurt you. He would never do this unless he was told to," 

"Abraxas?" Her blue eyes widened with realization as her parents nodded their heads. He didn't believe she was suitable to be married into the Malfoy family. Andromeda fleeing with Edward Tonks was his excuse to break them up for good.

Druella sighed and sat down in the chair across from her husband. They were hard on their children, a little too hard at times. However, that didn't make it any easier to see them distraught.

"Darling, why don't you go on up to bed and get some rest? You can't solve anything tonight,"

Narcissa knew better than to argue with her mother. She wasn't going to push her limits when Druella was being so nice. The young girl bid her parents goodnight and slowly walked to her room. Her body weighed down from the stress of the events of this week.

"Do you think you could talk to Abraxas, Cygnus?"

Her husband nodded and continued to sip his drink. She shuddered when she noticed his dark eyes were locked on the flames of the fireplace. He was in a trance that even she couldn't pull him out of.

Narcissa remembered the two hours that Cygnus and Abraxas were locked in the study at Black Manor. Her heart thumped at an unhealthy rate against her rib as she sat perfectly still and waited for an answer. It nearly leaped out of her chest when Lucius appeared before her with a bright smile on his face. They would make it.

She walked away from her daughter's room as her memories enveloped her in a cold embrace. More than twenty years later, here she was, all alone. Narcissa no longer felt the bed dip to her left as Lucius climbed in behind her. Her ears felt deaf without the sound of his snoring keeping her awake. Merlin, even her shadow missed his own.

There comes a time when the person you love becomes a part of you. She never thought it would happen to her. They had both been raised to marry someone of high regard and produce an heir. However, she and Lucius managed to marry their best friend. Their shadows became one along with them. Narcissa felt warm and full of light when she was with him. Now, she felt cold.

A soft cry pulled her from her thoughts. Although she was longing to be with her daughter, someone else needed her more. She felt her eyes smile as the cry grew more intense.

"Coming, Leo,"

Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Thursday, 23rd of December 2021

"Are either of you daft twits going to apologize to your little sister?"

Lucius stood before his two sons with his arms crossed. If his body language didn't give away his anger, his tone and red face sure did. Draco and Elliot stared silently at him, both unwilling to answer.

"You aren't going to bed until something is said,"

"She's not completely innocent in all of this. Jenna said horrible things to us as well," Elliot broke the silence.

"I thought you of all people would take her side, defend her,"

"That's all anyone in this family does is defend her. Ara can fight her own battles. We're all sucked into her world, and Merlin's beard, I'm bloody sick of it!" Draco slammed his fist on the table.

"Do NOT raise your voice at me in my home," His father warned with an icy tone. "I know we baby your sister more than we should. We are all guilty of doing so. However, I do not wish for her brothers and herself to be the reason we're all separated again. Your mother and I couldn't help it the first time; I'll be damned if she is taken again,"

  Lucius stood and left the room with a disappointed heart. His children were always scheming and getting along. He never imagined they would fight like this.

  Maybe, it was his and Narcissa's fault. They turned their attention to Arabella more than they did Draco and Elliot. Every time they've been in danger, their daughter has stepped in with a plan she brewed on her own. There was never room for someone else to be the lead.

He would talk to Cissa about it after today was over with. The sound of their old grandfather clock striking midnight sent a shiver down his spine. Today was the day. Lucius looked back to the family room with heavy emotions. Salazar knows what will happen now that his children are all fighting.

"Merlin be with us,"

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