Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Thursday, 23rd of December 2021

  Anita watched with narrowed eyes as the wedding planner swept through the ballroom. Everything, much to her displeasure, was an ugly shade of lavender. For being married seven times, she expected Sabrina Zabini to have better taste than this.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" her sharp voice made her granddaughter stop in her tracks. Jenna tensed and froze in place before slowly turning toward her grandmother. The look on Anita's face made her skin crawl.

"Would the bride really miss having me at her party?" Jenna found the courage to ask.

"Now isn't the time for your smart remarks. Go clean up and get ready. You reek of Black Manor," Anita stated with a scrunched nose.

Jenna's eyebrow rose with suspicion, "What exactly does the manor smell like to you, Nan?"

"Blood traitors," Anita pointed her nose upward and frowned with disgust. "Every single one of them,"

"Nan, you like Andromeda and Teddy. You've even made friends with Druella and Cygnus again. Where is all of this coming from?"

"Hush, girl! Don't mutter those names ever again,"

She watched with wide eyes as Anita strutted away leaving her frightened granddaughter in her wake. How much had happened in such little time?

"Jen!?" Elliot whispered before grabbing her upper arm and pulling her into a deserted hall.

"Elliot, I just spoke with Anita. What the hell happened with her?" Jenna asked.

"We don't know." Draco appeared behind their brother. "We woke up and heard her muttering things about blood purity,"

"Wandering what in Salazar's name happened to her home. Why are there so many light colors everywhere?"

"We should respect having a new lady in the manor. The list never ends," Draco explained.

"Do you think Sabrina finally got to her?" Jenna gasped. "She believes she's turned Lucius and Anita against us," She concluded, whispering the last part.

Draco and Elliot shared a look before redirecting their attention to their sister. After their fight yesterday, it was difficult to admit that she was right. There was no other explanation for their grandmother's behavior.

"What do we do?" asked Elliot.

"Nothing," Draco said.

Jenna nodded in agreement, "This is why we didn't tell any of them about the plan. No offense to our lovely grandparents, but they aren't exactly difficult targets,"

"So. we just let her behave like a cold-hearted pure-blood who doesn't believe half-bloods and muggle-borns have rights?"

"It will be hard to see, but yes. If nan could see herself now she would be ill with embarrassment,"

"Anita never had those beliefs?"

Draco shook his head. That was the one thing that made him care for his nan more than his other grandparents. Anita Malfoy never followed anyone's rules but her own.

"Children! How wonderful to see the three of you awake and lively on this lovely morning!" Sabrina greeted cheerfully from this staircase. "I was just about to wake you, Ara,"

"Oh, I'm so glad I beat you to it," Jenna muttered through clenched teeth and a fake smile. "Sabrina! Happy wedding day!"

Sabrina Zabini elegantly walked down the stairs, much to the Malfoy siblings' dismay. She carried a small black bag with her and proceeded to walk their way. Draco eyed her suspiciously as she extended the gift to his sister, who took the bag with reluctance.

"Thank you?" She questioned the sanity of the older woman in front of her. Was this a peace offering for being a horrible person?"

"Open it," Sabrina urged. "I want you to wear it for the wedding,"

  Jenna did as she was told and slowly opened the small bag. Inside, covered by paper, was a small black velvet box. Her brow furrowed with confusion, but an encouraging smile from Sabrina made her continue. She pulled the box out and opened it with grave anxiety.

  It opened to reveal a small gold bracelet with a small diamond in the center. Her heart skipped a beat with relief. The older woman gently took the bracelet from Jenna and clasped it on her wrist.

"It's a perfect fit," She clasped her hands together with excitement. "The girls will be here soon to get ready. I suggest you shower,"

They watched her waltz away, lost in her own world. Jenna's eyes traveled to the gold bracelet that now rested on her wrist. Something about the thoughtful gift made her stomach turn.

"Well, I guess we should separate and get ready. Remember, be on high alert today. Don't do anything out of the ordinary, and don't draw too much attention to yourselves," Jenna explained.

"Do you think she knows?" Elliot asked his eyes following Sabrina's every move out of fear.

"No," Draco shook his head. "There would be way more obstacles before us if she did. I've known Sabrina Zabini for my entire life, trust me on this one," His siblings nodded in agreement before going to their appropriate rooms.

"Five hours,"


"Oh, my Merlin,"

Lucius stared at his children in shock. Yes, they had multiple parties and galas where they dressed their best, but today, they looked different. His oldest son, his dragon, looked like he had on his wedding day over twenty years ago.

Elliot looked like Sirius. His jaw slightly tensed when he realized it, yet it wasn't in a horrible way. He looked like he had just stepped out of the 1920s.

"You both look good," He said, clearing his throat to cover the hitch in his tone. Today he realized how old he was growing. His children would be fine to live without him now. Would that come true after today?

"Thanks, pops," Elliot patted his shoulder and handed him a glass of fire whiskey. "Ready?"

"Absolutely not," he answered before knocking the strong alcohol back. "Where is your sister?"

"These heels are too tall for me. It's like she wants me to snap my neck as I walk down the aisle," Jenna walked in complaining whilst clipping on an earring.

Her dark hair was styled casually; loose curls cascaded down her back creating the illusion of a chocolate waterfall. She wore a lavender cowl-neck dress with a modest slit that started an inch above her knee. Her heels weren't as tall as they felt but could hurt her if she fell.

"Woah," All three men breathed out in unison.

"Do I look okay?" She asked, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles.

"You look like your mother," Lucius admitted. He saw her dark eyes cloud over for a moment before she directed her gaze to the floor.

"Father," Draco began. "we want you to know that no matter how today ends, we care for you and understand that none of this is your fault,"

  Lucius nodded his head before enveloping his three children in a group hug. They all gave him comforting smiles before leaving his study. Sabrina demanded his daughter wait in the garden while his sons did last-minute preparations. They didn't fight her out of fear of ruining the plan.

"I love you all,"

"Two hours,"

AmortentiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora