Chapter 18

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"There she is!" I point her out and my wolf howls from seeing in my mate after so long. She's standing in line, with that same man. She's traveling with another man? 

"What time was her flight to France?" I demand to Aaron.


The time from this video is 10:04

"She couldn't have gone there. What about Spain?"


"She's in Spain then!" And we run off to set up our flights.


"First we'll check out the airport cameras. From there, we'll have to start a search." Nickolas explains to me excitingly on the plane.

"We don't have a hotel reservation, would you like me to make one as soon as we land?"

"No. We have to visit a friend first."

Nickolas drives for several hours, once we've confirmed that Lexi and that man landed here. He says he knows of a pack that'd be willing to help us and he drives towards Barcelona. 

He drives past cities and highways until we reach a territory full of tress and hills. 

"The Amador Pack." Nickolas introduces to me.

"Isn't this the biggest pack in the world?" I've always wanted to visit it.

"Not anymore. The Walker pack joined us."


I drive to the Alpha house where I attended a meeting a year ago. I wanted Lexi to come with me, but we had forgotten to get her a passport. Stupid humans doing everything by the book.

 Ashton was a little distracted from the meeting itself and was more focused on showing off his son, Elias. I really wanted Lexi to meet him and his family, I just knew they'd get along great.

I park the rental and get out of the car with Aaron. I lead the way to the front door and knock loudly on it. A man with brown eyes and black hair opens it. 

"Hello?" He cracks the door open cautiously. 

"Good morning. I'm here to speak with Ashton Amador."

"I'm terribly sorry, he's not here. He's on a run, but he should be back within a few days." Of course, his run. We'll have to wait. 

"I see. Well, I guess we'll just-." That smell. I pause and sniff him. He smells. Like her. I lean closer and sniff again. MATE! MY MATE'S HERE! I WANT HER!

"Mine!" I growl. I feel my wolf try and break free from me.

I shove this man to the side and sprint up stairs, following her scent. It leads me to a white door that I shove open. The room is dimly lit, only letting me get an outline of what's inside. But the lighting is enough to show me what's hiding in this room. 

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