Chapter 24

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"How are you feeling?" Nickolas comes down and sits on another couch while I watch some movies. I was watching earlier with Elias, but then he had to go to a playdate and came home exhausted.

Then Katerina had to go out with Ashton and Cristian is at the hospital. No one's ever around to have any fun. 

"Good. He's really into kicking right now." Every time Nickolas is near me, my pup won't stop kicking. It's actually kind of funny, my baby is my own personal Nickolas detecter. Mate detecter. 

"And happy birthday." 


He's 25 years old. Ashton is 27. Nickolas is still the youngest Alpha in the world. And I guess I'm technically still the youngest female Alpha in the world. And in history. But I'm pretty sure no one's priority is our age.

"Can I feel him?" He bites his lip. He looks adorable. "Please. It can be your present to me."

I hesitantly nod and he crouches down beside me, spreading his wide palms over my tight skin.

As always, his entire face lights up as he feels my pup move around.

"So strong." He chuckles.

"I think we have a soccer player here." I pat my belly.


I hide my grin from Lexi. She just said 'we have'. Not 'I have'; we. 

And she remembers my birthday. She must still care about me.

"What are you doing?" I finally pay attention to the basket of yarn and needles. A mess of needles with yarn wrapped around them sits on her lap.

"Katerina taught me how to knit, so I'm making a blanket."

"A blanket huh? How about I make a pillow?"

"Can you knit?"

"It doesn't look too difficult." I shrug and take seat next to her.

I hate knitting.

Mainly because Lexi has finished a gorgeous blanket and I've only tangled my fingers in the yarn. I'd still be tangled if Lexi wasn't here to rescue me.

"You know, how about I just go out and buy some clothes once the pup is born." I snap after I've yanked my hands free from the ball of yarn. I can't do anything right.

"Gently, Nickolas. You need gentle hands." Her hands wrap around my own tense hands and she calms me down.

"I'm sorry." I apologize automatically.

"Maybe you're just not for knitting." 

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