Chapter 10

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The slow, instrumental songs had started, in an attempt to calm the wild crowds down. The cake had already been cut and Lexi ate a huge slice, getting frosting on her nose. Along with some turkey legs, chicken salad, deviled eggs and cookies. That's not including the actual dinner we sat down to.

I still can't believe her huge appetite. 

Now, Lexi was standing off to the side, looking completely distracted and sad. 

I walk over to her and ask her to dance.

"I'm sorry, what?" She snaps back to reality.

"Would you like to dance with me?" I repeat.

"Oh, yes. Thank you." She smiles at me.

I lead her to the dance floor and place my hand on her waist, while taking her other one in my own hand. She lowers her head as we sway slowly to the music. 

She's really tired after this long day, and I think she should probably go to sleep soon. From what I've gathered, Lexi has no interest in being around anyone intoxicated, which will be most of these people in less than an hour anyway. 

We sway slowly to the music for several minutes, before she wraps her arms around my shoulders and tucks her head in the crook of my neck.

I hug her against my chest and lean my own head next to hers.


I can't help but glare at Cristian holding my sister that way. I don't care if they're just friends, that looks too close for me. 

"Shut up, Ashton. It's her birthday, let her do whatever she wants." Katerina scolds me having read my wolf and turns me away from them.

"I don't like how they're holding each other." I complain.

"Relax. It's not like she'll ever like him more than a friend." She assures me.


Another song ends, and that's when I hear Lexi sniffling. 

I look down in horror and see her eyes are bright red and full of tears.

"Are you all right?" I ask dumbly. 

"I want to go home." She declares.

"All right. I'll drive you." I send a quick text to Ashton, since I can't find him. Lexi follows me outside into my car and I speed her back to her house.


I woke up as usual, trapped in Nickolas's arms. I swear, this boy thinks I'm a teddy bear. Being in his arms is realIy comfortable, but I need to use the restroom. 

I struggle against him until he finally let me go. I use the bathroom and change my clothes before he even gets out of bed. 

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