Chapter 14

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I lay down on top of the mattress we pulled out into the balcony. Lexi loves looking at the stars at night, and the blankets on the floor got uncomfortable. So I went out and bought an air mattress and blankets for us.

She lays next to me, and I move to rest my head against her waist. Her fingers move to stroke my hair and her nails gently scratch my neck. 

We lay in comfortable silence, gazing up at the stars. I rest my hand over her flat stomach. This is where my pups will be, some day. This is where they'll be carried, by my mate. 

I would be older than the average male when I would see my first pup. Most females were 21 or 22, and the males were 22 or 23 on average when they gave birth. Even if Lexi were to get pregnant when she was 21, I would be almost 28 when I saw my first pup. I would be almost 50 before I retired. 

But if Lexi wants to wait until her 20's to have a pup, then I will. I would wait until the day she told me she was ready for a baby, then pray to the Luna to help our wolves conceive each time we mated. 

I already know she'll be a wonderful mother, and I'll wait patiently until we start our family. I don't speak to Lexi about our future just yet because I still don't want to freak her out or put any sort of pressure on her.

But when I hear her breathing become steady, I know she's sleeping. I've done this almost every night lately. I place a soft kiss in the center of her stomach.

"Protect my mate. And my baby." 


I tried telling you! You little bitch! You set this up, didn't you? Obviously, I wanted to carry Nickolas's pup as soon as possible. Don't put all the blame on me though, you're the one who willingly slept with him, and he's the one who knocked me up. Besides, that was one hell of a night. Why didn't you tell me sooner? You took me away from Nickolas.


"What are you talking about? She cannot be pregnant. She can't carry that bastards pup!" Ashton paces the room furiously. I feel numb. I feel like I'm watching something else, someone's dream, a scene from a movie, anything but this.

This baby is proof of the love she shared with another man. This baby is the outcome of a bastard man lying to an innocent girl. And now she's stuck in this situation. 

I wish I could be wrong, I wish the tests were lying. But I know it's not. She really has a baby in her tummy.

"She is." I reply sadly. She's pregnant, with her mate's child. Soon, she'll make the decision that she needs to return to him.

"She did it on purpose. My wolf tried to get pregnant." She's able to communicate with her wolf, it's only a matter of time before her wolf is able to reach her mate. It makes sense for her. Her Alpha wolf would want to get pregnant as soon as possible. And to be next to her mate. 

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