It turns out there is a Triwizard tournament that I already knew about happening. After all the drama of entrances from the other schools and the minister mentioning the rules. A new professor enters calming down the storm in the ceiling. Tom told me already the mad-eye moody is actually Barty crouch jr. in disguise and must constantly drink that polyjuice potion. I can see why he trembles every time. I had one moment of drinking a potion that revolted and I prefer using glamour over the potion any day.

"What do you think he is drinking?" Ron asks looking closer.

"Don't know. But it certainly isn't pumpkin juice." I answer and finish my meal before walking to my dorm. I catch a glance at Draco glaring at me and I give him a stern look making him turn around. I know he will try something which is why Tom sent Barty jr. to take place as Mad-eye Moody. Keep me safe beside the twins. There is just so much the two can do that another dark wizard can do.

The boys and I spent a bit of time up playing games and having some fun before heading to bed. I spend another hour or so writing in the linked diary to Tom. Just like in the second year we wrote to each other. Some part of writing to him turned dirty and got both of us horny. Tom stops writing after telling me to go to bed. I put the diary in the emerald collar and fall asleep.

The next day everyone was hustling and whispering. Most if not all students keep glancing at me up and down. I begin to grow confused especially when Moody warns me to be prepared. Entering the great hall, I almost jumped when all eyes turn to look at me. They follow when I make it to my seat where a pile of letters is.

"Hey, guys? What is going on?" Hermione glances down at the daily prophet before showing me the first page.

'Hello my avid readers, recently it has come to attention by the generous teller of Lucius Malfoy that Harry James Potter, our esteemed savior has just received his creature inheritance. Not only that but his creature is a purebred black stallion! That is incredibly rare to many witches and wizards. And guess what, Mr. Potter is looking for a handler and mate! You heard it right here folks, Mr. Potter creature is a domesticated horse which means he needs someone to care for him. Other sources from the amazing pureblodd Draco Malfoy says Mr. Harry Potter states he has a handler but wishes not to comment on who. Which means he does not have it and Lucius Malfloy stands by those words. Check page 2 for more info.' I flip to the next page and begin reading.

'I have had the glory of sitting with Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts and the minister of magic who says if any wish wizard or witch wishes to be Mr. Potter's handler, they may send a letter to Hogwarts and he shall choose. An interview with the famous Harry James Potter, boy-who-lived will happen this Wednesday with me your amazing writer, Rita Skeeter in knowing just what kind of handler and mate Mr. Potter is looking for. Have a wonderful day my avid readers.'

"Is she mad!? I have a handler and choose a mate. Now it is competition and people think I am lying!?" I declare furious at the witch.

"Harry you need to tell everyone who is your handler or everyone will think you are lying." Hermione fusses leaning over the millions of letters.

"Can't catch a break, can I?" I ask throwing the paper away.

"We will help you, Harry." I give an annoyed look toward Ron and the twins. They look away while I begin grabbing the letters and shrinking them to fit a bag.

"Are you going to at least see who is writing you?"

"I need to speak with my handler first about this." I get up and furiously walk out the hall skipping breakfast due to the anger in my system. The twins follow but I tell them to go back to the hall for me to be alone. I head straight to my dorm and begin writing to Tom.


Tom, you wouldn't believe what the hell is going on. Please tell me you have seen the daily prophet?'

'Yes, Harry I have and I believe it is wonderful' I blink three times to reread what he wrote.'

'WHAT? Are you mad? Why would you think this is wonderful?'

'first of all Harry correct that attitude of yours.'


'Better and it is wonderful because it means that I may fight for being your handler and then show just who you belong to.'

'wouldn't it be smarter to just say who has been my handler all this time? I don't want anymore glory or fame.'

'Where is the fun in that?' I deadpan at the page. Tom loves his dramatic moment almost as much as Snape.

'What if someone does beat you? And what if during the interview you don't qualify?' I ask concerned now.

'I still would qualify because you will interview with Xenophile Lovegood. I already sent a note to him saying you will need the truth to be sold out.'

'fine and is it the same time?'

'Actually, you will begin your interview tomorrow early. So set your alarm before breakfast.'

'Thanks, Tom. This still doesn't mean I approve of this nonsense.'

'a competition is what we all need.'

'I think I had enough during my youth the last a lifetime due to you nearly killing me!'

'Ah yes, good times. Now get to class and I will send you a bag that you may fill and put all those blasted letters in.'

'Thanks again and yeah. Talk to you later.'

I shut the diary and hide it in the emerald. Sighing I groan getting off the bed and heading to my classes. Neville is alone once more and I sit with him. Potions become annoying with Snape making us do a love potion. I really hope nobody gets any hints about my meals. Maybe I should summon my own food or have Dobby give me food. The grass too is great but I need to sniff twice before eating. Who knows if they will try and pour potions on the grass too?

"Good luck Harry," Neville whispers to me.

"Thanks, Neville I will need it a lot for what will become in the next few weeks."

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