34. Family

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Don't be afraid to tell him what you want and what you need, don't be afraid to try new things, a relationship is give and take, give what you can, take what he gives but don't lose yourself or your morals, don't lose your honor trying to please another person.

Don't lose your honor.

Don't lose yourself.

Don't lose your morals.

Don't lose your honor.

Fiona stared at her family. Omar ran up to her a big smile on his face. She never had to worry about the lannister's again. Tyrion was only a little lion and if anything he was on their side, where ever he was in the world. She family was safe. Her family was here.

"How are you?" Oberyn questioned coming up behind her wrapping his arms around her.

"I think I'm going to be okay." Fiona admitted leaning back into him. "I was just thinking about what Ned said but..."

"But?" Oberyn mused.

"My family comes first. Protecting you and them," She hugged Omar to her as he kissed her. "oh thank you!" Fiona said kissing him again and again. He laughed up at her. "Life without love is not worth living... if I didn't kill them I would have become bitter. They would have consumed my mind." She whispered. "I would much rather you consume me."

"Yes, I like that much better."

"Mama beat the bad guys?" Omar questioned.

"Yes she did. The world is better place for it." Oberyn assured.

"So you're a bastard?" Nymeria questioned.

"That's right." Jon agreed. "So are you..." Jon smiled as Nymeria kissed him. 

"Oooh" Loreza declared. "Nymeria's got a boy friend!'

'Shut up!' Nymeria shouted but a smile was on her face.

'You like the chair Bran?" Fiona asked.

"Very nice, a Targaryen had one made like this." Bran remarked as he rolled around.

"An improvement to the wheelbarrow." Ellaria agreed sitting down Beside Fiona.

"What did it look like when he died?" Arya was asking sansa. "That look when he knew it was over!'

"Terrifying because I thought they were going to blame me!" sansa declared.

"You killed him?" arya asked impressed. 

"NO!" Sansa shouted. 'I wish I did.' She grumbled.

"Don't worry, Theon. I forgive you." Rickon assured. "Us starks got to stick together." Theon thought he might cry.

"Thank you." Theon whispered.

"Fiona take your baby." Benjen requested. "He keeps yanking my hair." Benjen ushered Omar back to Fiona but he kept pulling at Benjens hair. 'Fiona!'

"Beetle!' Omar declared.

"Smath the beetles." Fiona whispered to sansa and she shook her head laughing

"Oh yeah we have huge bugs here.' Obara told him flicking at Benjen's head and the beetle went flying.

"I don't think I like your children.' Benjen remarked. 'they hurt my head."

"They aren't family if they don't annoy you right?" Fiona teased.

"So am I a princess?" Sansa questioned and Arya rolled her eyes. "What? It's a good question."

"Dora, can you teach arya the way of the spear?" Fiona questioned.

"I'm going to kick your butt like mama did to mama FI!' Dora exclaimed.

"I don't like her confidence in that." arya remarked following her off.

"Starting to feel better about the past few months?" Oberyn questioned.

"Yes." Fiona agreed. "I did some bad things for a good reason."

"A great reason." Ellaria corrected.

"For family."

Call It What You Want // Oberyn Martell // Ellaria SandWhere stories live. Discover now