29. You Don't Scare me

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'Mama!' Tyene declared as Ellaria kissed her daughters forehead as she dismounted from her horse.

'Nymeria. Obara,' She remarked coming up to them.

"How is he?"

"He will survive." Ellaria assured.

"Mama Fi?"
"She is tending to him and Omar." Ellaria added.

"Is it true she flung her clip at the mountains head!" Tyene declared.

"Yes, it was quite the show to see." Ellaria admitted and if it wasn't so terrifying it would have been extremely sexy.

'Will there be war?'

'Prince Doran will do nothing for your father we must avenge Oberyn and Elia ourselves,' she told her daughter's.

"When will Oberyn be back on his feet?'

"Not soon." Ellaria admitted.

'Without Oberyn we have no army to march against a Lannister's.'

'We don't need an army army to start a war. Queen Cersei loves her children and we have one of them.' Ellaria reminded them

'We may have a problem.' OBARA said whipping the bucket off the ground ahead appeared squirming his body trapped understand a scorpion crawled over his face

'A ships captain found me in Plankey town,' She said walking towards the man, 'Claiming he had information to sell he told me he smuggled Jaime Lannister into Dorne.'

'He's come for Marcella if he gets her before we do we lose our only chance for revenge. Now my daughters you must choose your uncles way of peace or my way in war.' Ellaria told them

'I am with you always.'

'And I am.' She nodded her eyes moving to Obara.

'OBARA?' Ellaria questioned

'When I was a child Oberyn came to take me to court I've never seen this man and yet he called me himself my father my mother wept and said I was too young and a girl. Oberyn tossed his sword at my feet and said girl or boy we fight our battles but the gods that choose our weapons... my father pointed to the spear and then to my mother's tears.' she took the spear in her hands before throwing it at the man, his head stopped wiggling under the sand. 'I made my choice long ago.'


"You stood by for too damn long. You realize that. don't you?" Fiona asked Doran.
"I did as any good leader would. I protected me own." Doran told her.

"I am supposed to be your family too but you never treated me as such. You didn't care for my pleas when my brother was alive, when my sister by law was alive, my nephew and his pleas... you don't care for your own people. You care for your own head!" Fiona spat picking up Omar and storming away.

"Be careful Princess." Doran warned.


'Unbowed unbent unbroken for Oberyn.'

'For Oberyn,' they repeated heading out. They were going to kill Marcella and send her back piece by piece but Jamie and Bronn were already there in disguise as well they made their way through sun spear

'The Dornish man wife was as big as the sun her kisses were warmer than Spring the Northman was made a black steel and it's kiss was a terrible thing the door and the dornish man's wife was lovely, she paved a voice as sweet as a peach-' bronn was singing as they rode. Jaime was thoroughly annoyed.

'all right that's enough' Jamie said they were in the dorne guards clothing now riding their horses they were going to sneak in to the castle completely a notice at lease that was the plan.

'I'm coming to the best part.' Bronn marked

'I'm try to blend in you don't want all of dorne to hear us.'

'This song really is all about the ending.' Bronn told him

'It can wait.' Jamie reminded him as they got closer there. ' that is the water gardens.'

'once we got the princess then what?' Bronn questioned

'I'd like to improvise.' Jamie said

'That explains the golden hand.' bronn remarked as they march forward. They rode in unnoticed

Making themselves blend in, they walked through the gardens only to find the princess kissing her soon to be prince

'Well she certainly made herself at home.' Bronn noted.

'Marcella?' Jamie question

'Uncle Jamie?' She pulled away from the boy 'I don't understand what are you doing here?'

'Maybe if we could talk alone.' Jaime said as her suitor followed her.

'I am Trystan Martell.' he said stepping forward

'Trystan is my intended.' Marcella said

'Trystan wonderful meet you.' Jamie said shaking his hand awkwardly with his left hand

'We were not expecting you lord Jamie.'

'Why don't you let them have some time alone son.' Bronn said stepping forward but trystan noticed the blood on bronn clothing. 'let's not do something stupid.' Bronn told him but Trystan grabbed his blade and Bronn knocked him down. 'that was something stupid.' Marcella screamed falling to her beloved side.

'We have to go.' Jamie told her

'You hurt him!' she screamed

'He will be fine I promise we have to go.' But a whip wrapped around Jamie's hand pulling him away from Marcella

'Oh for fucks sake.' Bronn said as three women attacked. They were much more skilled than the men they had faced earlier using their whips and swords Marcella looked around nervously they were after the princess as well. The sand snakes were here, Nymeria, Obara and Tyene and they weren't about to let some Highborne lords take away their chance of vengeance.

'You are coming with me.' Nymeria demanded.

'I don't want to.' Marcella screamed as she was dragged.

'I didn't give you a choice princess.' Nymeria declared. Pulling marcella away but soon more guards were surrounding them.

'Drop your weapons!' the Dornish guard shouted

'I am the daughter of Oberyn.' Obara called out 'I fight for Dorne who do you fight for?'

'Drop your weapons!' he demanded

'I am Obara daughter of Oberyn Martell I fight for Dorne, who do you fight for?'

'Drop your weapons.' the guard demanded the sand snakes shared a glance before letting their weapons fall to the ground and released Marcella. the commander of the guard swung his blade at Jamie holding it at his neck

'When you were whole it would've been a good fight.' he remarked Jamie dropped his own weapons as he was grabbed. Ellaria was grabbed next.


"Whats going on?" Fiona declared as she was grabbed.

"Fiona?" Oberyn questioned trying to sit up.

"MAMA!" Omar shouted. Fiona threw an elbow back into the garuds nose.

"Bitch." He spat.

"What's going on!" Fiona demanded.

"The princess Marcella was attacked."

"I was here!" Fiona shouted.

"Your daughters attacked her."

"Fucking hell Ellaria." Fiona muttered.

"Whats that bitch?"

"Enough!" Oberyn shouted. "You will show her some respect immediately." Oberyn demanded.

"You forget your place." Fiona warned. "I am the princess." She pulled a blade from the table. "I killed the fucking mountain." She sliced his throat. "You don't scare me."

Call It What You Want // Oberyn Martell // Ellaria SandWhere stories live. Discover now