24. Lock Pick

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The Heir // King Viserys// Daemon Targaryen is out now!

Present day

"Hey sweetie, everything is going to be fine." Fiona assured.

"Fiona?" Sansa jumped up running to the cell door.

"Almost, got it." Fiona said as the door swung open. She put her hair pin back in her hair. "Ellaria always said it was an accessory and a weapon, turns out it is a lock pick too." Fiona said as she hugged Sansa.

"Can you get me out of here?" Sansa whimpered.

"We are going to do one better." Fiona told her.

"What do you mean?" Sansa asked as Fiona's eyes drifted to Tyrion sitting on the cot at the other end of the bed. "You cant fight for me,' Sansa told her immediately. "You have to think about your baby.''

"We are going to avenge your father and mother and brother." Fiona told her confidently. "We are going to take them down. Starting with this trial by combat."

"What do you mean?"

"Oberyn has a plan and then we go. We all go home." Fiona told her.

"What if it doesn't work?" They spoke in hushed voices but the cells were so quiet that their voices bounced around the cell.

"Don't worry, Oberyn knows what he is doing.... I promise everything will be alright and then we go home, we get Arya and we go home."


"We met, you and I. Many years ago." Oberyn told Tyrion, when he got his cell. Fiona held tight to Sansa as Oberyn spoke.

"I think I would have remembered that." Tyrion said distractedly.

"Unlikely. You had just been born. Our father brought me and my sister Elia with him on a visit to Casterly Rock. My first time away from Dorne. I didn't like anything about the Rock. Not the food, not the weather, not your accents. Nothing. But the biggest disappointment, you." Oberyn informed him.

"You are always so charming." Fiona told him sweetly as he wrapped a hand around her.

"You and my family have more in common than you might admit." Tyrion told him.

"The whole way from Dorne all anyone talked about was the monster that had been born to Tywin Lannister. A head twice the size of his body, a tail between his legs, claws, one red eye, the privates of both a girl and a boy." Oberyn went on Tyrion looked up at him with a chuckle.

"I think that's Cersei." Fiona muttered.

"That would have made things so much easier." Tyrion joked lightly.

"When we met your sister, she promised she would show you to us. Every day we would ask to see the monster. Every day she would say, "Soon." Then she and your brother took us to your nursery and... she unveiled the freak. Your head was a bit large. Your arms and legs were a bit small, but no claws. No red eye. No tail between your legs. Just a tiny pink cock. We didn't try to hide our disappointment. "That's not a monster," I told Cersei, "that's just a baby." And she said, "He killed my mother. And she pinched your little cock so hard, I thought she might pull it off. Until your brother made her stop. "It doesn't matter," she told us. "Everyone says he will die soon, I hope they are right; he should not have lived this long."" Tyrion let out a sharp breath, cersei had always hated him.

"Well... sooner or later, Cersei always gets what she wants." Tyrion remarked.

"And what about what I want? Justice for my sister and her children." Oberyn informed him. "I want justice for my wife's family, all that your family took from her." Fiona grabbed his hand as he stood up.

Call It What You Want // Oberyn Martell // Ellaria SandWhere stories live. Discover now