4. Princess

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Ned walked Fiona down the aisle and Fiona thought that Oberyn was probably one of the most handsome men, his confidence and his eyes, those eyes locked on her and made her feel like the only girl in the world. Ned passed her off, kissing Fiona's cheek as Oberyn took her hand in his.

"Hi,' Fiona said softly.

"Hello, fancy meeting you here.' Oberyn mused and Fiona couldn't help but laugh, she bit her at her lip as the septon stared at them.

"You come here often?" Fiona added.

"rarely actually, you?' Oberyn admitted. He leaned forward whispering in her ear. 'We are in church...' he remarked softly and Fiona stared at him confused. 'Are you sweating like a whore in-' Fiona slapped at his arm with a laugh her head tipping back and she couldn't contain her smile. Ned smiled up at them.

'Sorry,' Oberyn said leaning back, his tongue peaked out licking his sudden dry lips as Fiona smiled up at her. "Do begin.'
"Yes.' Fiona agreed. 'Before we say something that gets us removed from the premises.' Fiona added. Ellaria stared up at them, she was worried that Fiona would not fit in but after seeing their little show in front of the septon and everyone, Ellaria was confident that Fiona would be more open than they first suspected.

'Let it be known that Fiona of House Stark and Prince Oberyn of house Martell are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder." The septon said looking between them he cleared his throat continuing. 'In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the Words.'

'Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger.' They repeated.

'I am his.'

'I am hers'

'He is mine'

'she is mine,'

'from this day, until the end of my days.' they echoed. Sansa watched with admiration, her aunt was going to be a princess. A princess of Dorne.

'You may now cloak the bride with your protection.' Oberyn kept his hands on her shoulders locking eyes with her she nodded reassuringly as his hands slide down her arms taking her hands in his.

'In the presence of your family and friends, I now bind your hands together, to symbolize your new union of love, trust and friendship." He bound their hands together. 'Now, please look at one another and pledge your vows to seal your union.'


"Am I a princess by proxy?" sansa questioned. Fiona looked to Oberyn and he was quick to answer.

"Yes!' he agreed. "Princess by proxy.' Oberyn agreed he kept a hand on Fiona as they walked through the feast.

"YES!" Sansa declared running off.

"You family is sweet.' Oberyn remarked pulling out her chair for her.

"Yes... I am very glad they made it here." Fiona told him. "I thought they wouldn't...' Fiona watched as Rickon ran up to her.

"dance FI!" Rickon requested.

'Excuse me, Husband.' Fiona said sweetly as she grabbed rickon's hand and spun him around as the music played.

"Your wife,' Doran said walking up to Oberyn on shaky legs.

"My wife.' Oberyn agreed picking up his drink but his eyes focused on Fiona.

"Not what you expected?"

"Not at all.'' Oberyn agreed.

"What will you do about your paramour?" Doran questioned.

"What do you mean?" Oberyn questioned still not looking at his brother.

"You can't think a woman like Fiona will be happy with such things?" Doran told him confidently.

''You don't know her." Oberyn remarked.

"Neither do you." Doran reminded him. "She is from the north, family, duty honor. What is honorable about sharing you with a whores?" Doran hissed.

"ellaria is not a whore." Oberyn reminded him finally looking at him. "You let me take care of my wife, yes?" Oberyn said finishing his drink and coming up behind Fiona and Rickon. "Who is this handsome, already stealing your attention?" Oberyn teased as Fiona picked up rickon.
"This is my youngest Nephew, Rickon. Can you say hello to Prince Oberyn?" Fiona asked. Rickon waved at him. "He is your uncle now.' Fiona told him.

"Uncle Obie." Rickon said and Fiona chuckled.

"Omar, Obie, you are getting quite the nicknames Husband.' Fiona mused.

"I think husband is my favorite.' He whispered kissing her neck. Ned watched his sister blush from afar.

"She seems to like him.' Catelyn remarked.

"Yes.' Ned agreed. He was glad for it but Fiona was his baby sister and it was all too real being here knowing they were going home and she was going to start a family of her own here in sun spear, moons away from them.

"Might I steal my wife away, ser?" Oberyn asked Rickon.

"I'm not a Ser!" Rickon declared laughing.

"With your strength? Are you sure?" Oberyn mused.

"Bran!" Rickon called as Fiona put him down. "Uncle Obie thinks I'm a knight!'

'You just made his day.' Fiona remarked as Oberyn spun her to him.

'And what of your day? How can I make that better?" Oberyn questioned her body flesh to his as they danced.

"Just keep looking at me like that.'' Fiona told him.

"Like what?" he whispered against her lips but she was at a loss for words, falling so fast for someone so... perfect. Impatient for a taste of her sweet lips, he fisted her hair, tilting her head to capture her mouth. He consumed her and Fiona knew she was in love with this man. Her husband. The Prince of Dorne. 

Call It What You Want // Oberyn Martell // Ellaria SandWhere stories live. Discover now