13. Choking

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Present day 

"Excuse me," Fiona said. "I need to check on sansa." Fiona said heading off.

'My love why don't you make the announcement?' Margaery said and Joffrey clinked his glass getting everyone's attention.

'Everyone ,'he declared 'the queen would like to say a few words,' the crowd clapped as Margaery rose, Oberyn led Ellaria to her seat as Fiona jumped up on stage.

"Hey lovely." She crouched between Sansa and Tyrion.

"Perhaps we could leave now and forget the cake?" Sansa offered. Fiona kissed her forehead as Margaery spoke.

'We are so fortunate to enjoy this marvelous food and drink not all of us are so lucky, to thank the gods for bringing the recent war to a just end, King Joffrey has decreed that the leftovers from our feast be given to the poorest.' Margaery told them and the crowd irrupted with cheers. Fiona grabbed Tyrion's glass taking a sip.

"You guys get the good stuff up here," Fiona remarked, she swirled her wine in her cup as she tapped a ringed finger along the rim clapping along with everyone, her eyes drifted to Oberyn, and Ellaria.

'Silence! Clear the floor! There has been too much amusement here today a royal wedding is not an amusement royal wedding is history time has come for all of us to contemplate our history.' Joffrey declared.

"I should get back to my seat, don't worry,' Fiona whispered in Sansa's ear. "After this we go." She assured.

'My lords and ladies I give you... King Joffrey.' a giant Lions mouth statue was opened up a red carpet rolled out and a bunch of dwarves dressed in costumes riding fake horses wielding fake swords came running out. Fiona's pace slowed as she made her way to Oberyn as she saw the bit of theater before her.

'Lord Stark, Baylon Greyjoy, and the war of the five kings!' Joffrey declared excitedly.

'Away degenerates away away.' the dwarf portraying Joffrey said. The wickedest and jolliest smile adored Joffreys face, Margaery however was not pleased with this display while Joffrey cackled away.

'Our king everybody.' Fiona muttered siting down next to Oberyn. He grabbed her hand, stroking his thumb against hers.

'well fought, well fought.' Joffrey said as every took a bow. 'a champion purse.' He held out a pouch of gold for them. 'although you are not the champions yet are you?' he slapped the pouch in his hands. 'a true champion defeats all the challengers. Surely there are others out there who dare to challenge by reign... uncle. How about you? I'm sure they have a spare costume...'

'one taste of combat was enough for my your grace.' Tyrion said ever so kindly. 'I would like to keep what remains of my face. I think you should fight him. This was but a poor imitation of your own bravery in the field of battle. I speak as a firsthand witness. Climb down from the high table with your new valerian sword and show everyone who a true king wins his throne... be careful though, this one is clearly mad with lust.' He pointed at one of the actors for joffreys little skit. 'it would be a tragedy for the king to lose his virtue hours before his wedding night'. Tyrion sat back down and sipped on his drink, Joffrey however was not pleased he sauntered over to Tyrion and poured his drink on tyrions head.

'a fine vintage.' Tyrion said calmly. 'shame that it spilled.' Margaery stared at her new husband willing him to stop as Joffrey spilled his wine over Tyrion's head her face held bitter resentment towards her new husband and King while everyone remained entirely deadly silent.

'it did not spill.' Joffrey told him.

'My love, come back to me.' margaery told him reaching a hand out. 'its time for my fathers toast.'

Call It What You Want // Oberyn Martell // Ellaria SandWhere stories live. Discover now