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Phoenix laughed as she took another swig of her beer, Katherine calmly smiled as she took a sip of her water.

"So, tell me, why is Bradly such a bitch to you?" Phoenix asked, putting her beer on the bar.

"Oh there's a lot of history on that." Katherine raised her eyebrows.

"Care to spill the beans?" Phoenix slurred, chugging the rest of her beer.

"You'll have to ask rooster on that one." Katherine sighed.

"I would but he's been icing me out because I'm friends with you." Phoenix leaned against the bar.

"Has he really?" Katherine raised an eyebrow

"Yup." Phoenix frowned, "him and I used to be best buddies in flight school and now..."

"Now he's a jerk?" Katherine questioned, Phoenix answered with a subtle nod.

"Not to intrude but did you two have some kinda history or something? Did you like date?" Katherine asked, curious.

"Eh, it was a one time fling but then the academy found out and they moved us. They said it was unprofessional." Phoenix said.

"Do you think you two would still be together if they didn't seperate you?" Katherine was eager for answers for some reason.

"Probably not, we just didn't work like that." Phoenix tapped her fingers on the wooded bar.

Katherine felt a weight off her chest, for a reason she couldn't understand.

"So what about you? Did you date him?" Phoenix asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Far from it." Katherine gulped down her water.

"We were like best friends until everything changed." Katherine rested her head on the bar, she was so tired.

Phoenix put a hand on Katherine's shoulder, "you should get some sleep Chicago."

"Nahhh, your the one who drank." Katherine grinned which caused Phoenix to let out a giggle.

"Your right." Phoenix stood up, "I'm gonna call a cab."

"Okay, cya tomorrow." Katherine waved goodbye as Phoenix walked out of the bar.

"Rough day?" Someone said.

Katherine looked around and noticed her father sat down next to her left.

"I guess, you?" Katherine sat up.

"Yeah, I just met with Ice, he's not doing so good." Maverick sighed.

"What'd he say?" Katherine asked.

"Well he can't actually speak anymore, he just typed. But he told me I needed to teach rooster so he'd be ready for the mission." Maverick rested his arms on the bar.

"Oh that sucks, is he gonna be okay?" Katherine knew maverick didn't really like talking about how sick people were but she was still curious.

Chicago • Bradly Bradshawحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن