200th x floor

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"You idiot! If you get hit by a Nen attack without a defense, it's over!" Killua shouted.

I personally was speechless at how stupid Gon was being,  because when he got close to Gido, he spin around rapidly causing Gon to go flying. Seriously, what did he think was gonna happen??


"What did you think was gonna happen when you dropped Ten you dumbass?? Now you're going to be out of the game for at least 4 months!" I scolded Gon.

"Sorry, hehe"

"An apology won't help! Didn't you see what happened to those who suffered the Nen greeting?!" Killua shouted as he poked Gon's head repeatedly. "You're lucky to not be hurt any worse!"

"But you know, I knew I'd be okay. I took a few hits but what's important is I dodged before he hit my vital points." Gon tried to reassure with a smile, but it didn't work as Killua placed his foot upon Gon's broken arm, and pressed down very hard on it making him cry out in pain. Just then there was a knock at the door.

I opened the door, it was Wing, and he was very disappointed.

"uuuh, sorry" Gon said, only for Wing to give the boy a nice, firm slap from Wing.

"An apology won't help! Didn't you see what happened to the people who suffered the Nen greeting?! What were you thinking?!" Shouted Wing

"That's what I just told him." Killua said.

"Honestly, I'm glad you're not injured any further." Wing said, putting his hand on Gon's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Wing-san"

"No. I won't let this slide." He said. "Killua, Azuki, do you know when Gon will be completely finished recovering?"

"The doctor said 2 months." Killua said, lying. "Yup, two months." I nodded, going with his lie.

"okay then, in that case, I will not allow you to participate in any matches in 2 months, I won't allow you to train or study Nen, if you don't abide by these rules, I will never teach you again. Got it?"

"Yes, I understand."

"Give me your hand, this is a promise thread, it'll remind you of our promise." With that, the deal was made. "Killua's Azuki, a word please." He lead us out of the room.

"What exactly is your objective?" Wing questioned

"We don't really have one, before meeting Zushi, I just wanted to make some quick cash and Gon came here to defeat a guy named Hisoka." Killua said.

"Basically what he said. Money and training is what we need right now, and this was the best place to get those. But once we found we don't get paid in the 200 floors, we decided to leave once Gon finished his business here." I explained.

"So you're saying he enjoys being in a situation where it would have cost of his life?" Wing just didn't get it.

"Yeah, I know because I'm the same, although I take stuff into consideration." Said Killua.

"Yeah, when Gon wants something, it's hard to really stop him from getting it. Though he's a bit more lawful about his ways can't say the same about myself." I said, showing some money I stole off screen.

"But he isn't the type to break promises, so you don't have to worry." Killua reassured Wing, who looked concerned for us.

"And it's too late now, we already know about your supernatural abilities. Even if you won't teach us, somebody will." I said

"I understand, and I mean to finish what I started." Wing said. "There are many things I need to tell you. Zushi is waiting at my lodge, you can go train with him"

"Nah, I'm good." I started walking away.

"We won't leave Gon behind, if he keeps his promise the  we'll start training when he does." Said Killua

"Tell Gon that he's allowed to practice Ten everyday." Said Wing

"Will do. See ya." I waved him goodbye as we went back to Gon's room, to which we found him already practicing Ten. We joined him, feeling ourselves getting stronger already.

Misfortune (Hunter x Hunter x female OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu