Chapter 2

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Let's go to the beach, each

Let's go get away

They say, what they gonna say?

Groaning I struggled to find the snooze button on my alarm clock. After successfully stopping Nicki Minaj's voice blaring through my room I hugged my comforter closer to me. I just need five more minutes of sleep. I closed my eyes hoping to fall back asleep, just for a few minutes.

I heard my door open and footsteps coming closer. "Callie," Tom whispered.

Ignoring Tom I continued to concentrate on falling asleep. Maybe if it seems like I'm asleep he'll leave.

"Come on, Callie," he said as his footsteps became louder. "It's time to wake up."

Tom laughed as I buried my head into my pillow. "Five more minutes, Mom."

"Today's the big day," Tom laughed as he lightly nudged me. "I thought you were excited to leave for paradise?"

I shifted my head and glanced at my clock. My eyes widened when I saw that it was only five in the morning. I threw my head into my pillow again. "Its too early, Tom."

I pulled my comforter over my head in an attempt to get Tom to leave me alone. He let out a laugh and I knew my efforts were useless.

"Can we just leave a little later? Paradise will still be there."

Tom pulled the comforter off my head. "Paradise waits for nobody, Cal." He started to walk away but soon stopped and turned around. "Change into something comfortable. We have a long day ahead of us."

"Don't remind me," I groaned.

Tom picked up the duffel bag and suitcase lying on my bedroom floor. "I'll bring your bags down for you. Don't take too long." With that he walked out of my room, closing the door behind him.

Sighing I sat up in my bed, trying to wipe the sleep out of my eyes. Today is going to be a long day.

I've been excited for this vacation the entire week. I had a whole suitcase packed as soon as I got back from work last week. I've probably unpacked and repacked several times throughout the past few days. Tom looked at me like I was crazy but I just shrugged him off every time. I want this to be the best vacation ever. In order to ensure that I need to make sure I have everything I could possibly need.

Now that the day is finally here I feel like I'm not as excited. As soon as I heard about the trip I was ecstatic. I'm sure it’s probably due to the fact that it’s so early in the morning and that I'm tired. I know today is only a travel day and that vacation won't really start until tomorrow. Once we arrive in Hawaii I'm sure the excitement will kick in again.

Climbing out of bed I made my way towards my dresser. I opened the top drawer and found it pretty bare. Most of my drawers are scarce since I've practically packed more than half of my wardrobe. Luckily I managed to find one of my favorite Wanted shirts and a pair of sweatpants. I started to grab a sweatshirt but thought better of it. Once we arrive in Hawaii it will be extremely hot and I won't need it.

Heading towards my vanity I grabbed a brush and ran it through my hair. Once it was knot free I put it into a ponytail. I wasn't even going to bother with makeup. Most of it was packed away and I don't need it for a plane ride.

Walking around my room one more time I grabbed my travel essentials. I had my iPhone, headphones, sunglasses, camera, laptop, travel papers, and my wallet. I threw it all in my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. I looked around the room once more, making sure I wasn't missing anything.

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