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Inspired by idea from biggiant's "Greek God giant tiny story idea" book. It contains plenty of cool stories; check it out!


It had started with the mosquitoes.

Kaylen saw the first victim of the virus. Their arms were swollen within seconds, their face red, pupils thinned. They looked bigger, more swollen, every single second.

And then, not an hour later, they grew.

Their bodies convulsed and lengthened. Their arms thickened and their shoulders broadened.

They screamed the entire way.

By the time they finally stopped, they grew to a height comparable to that of the buildings nearby. And then, they looked down, and everyone could see that their irises had turned pure, glowing red.

With a snarl, they'd toppled a building, and chaos broke out amongst the townspeople.

It had taken hours to finally neutralize the beast, and even then, it was because the giant was fighting itself, an internal battle that the human that it was originally, was losing.

Action was immediate, and the townspeople were quick to kill any mosquitos in the area. They hid in a solid, unmoving fortress, surrounded by an electrical force field that deterred anyone that had turned into a giant monster.

Kaylen was not sure how long they could survive, however, before the last man would face the monster they feared of becoming.


"Kaylen!" Lotta grinned, handing him another apple, "Quit slacking, and get these apples somewhere!"

Kaylen passed the apple into his large basket, and smiled, with mock despair scrawled dramatically over his face. He loosened his grip on the next apple, and it fell into the grass with a light thud.

"Oh noooo~!" He cried, "I've dropped the apple, whatever shall I do?!"

Lotta ruffled his hair from on top of the latter, reaching down and scuffling the long, curly brown strands of hair. "Oh, honey, you're too old for this."

But, despite what she said, she always played along.

"Oh well, I guess I'll have to get off the ladder and pick it up myself." Her grin widened. "A shame, really. I was planning to make an apple pie this afternoon."

Kaylen pouted, leaning down to pick up the dropped fruit. "You got me there, Lots. Good on you." He dropped the apple into the basket and clapped slowly. "Congrats."

Lotta bent down to kiss her stupid, beautiful man on the cheek. "Don't worry, I always do."

Kaylen yanked her off the ladder, and pulled her into a hug. "C'mon, Hector only wanted a dozen anyways." He snorted. "Last time I remember, 50 doesn't equal 12."

Lotta hugged him back. "Oh, guess that apple pie is off the table, then."

Kaylen groaned. "Let's just get going, alright? You know the amount of bugs in here is absurd." His smile faded at the mention of insects. "You know, I... I'm still worried. What if the mosquitos are here? What if you get infected? What if-!"

Lotta kissed him again, long and hard. "No what-ifs. We're still here and we'd better stay that way for a while." She clasped her hands around his, looking up into his brown, chocolate irises. "Let's go get Rowan and make some food for the townspeople, alright?"

Kaylen blushed, squeezing her hand lightly. "Alright, Lots. Let's go."

They navigate the corridors of the building, feeling the warm sun bathe the cold walls and floors. The fuzzy carpet sank underneath Kaylen's slippers, and he shifted the apple basket in his grip. They made a right, arriving at the kitchen.

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