Nameless and Named

424 11 10

Context: This takes place in a medieval setting

"Where is it?"

"Find it!"

"It's so dark!"


He kept on running. He had a plan, but it was going to be tight.

He crashed through the trees, crushing fallen logs under his feet. The splinters tore through his thin makeshift sandals, and he winced deeply.

He snuck behind the thickest, tallest oak tree there was in the dense forest, and concentrated. Slowly, his form began to collapse. His body shrank, until he was the size of the humans that were chasing him.

It tired him greatly, and he could barely stay conscious. Still, he trudged back the way he came, stumbling over the shattered wood. Suddenly, he heard footsteps, and hundreds of men, holding torches and spears, emerged.

"Hey, kid!" One shouted gruffly at him, "Have you seen a giant?"

"Y-Yes." He shivered, but not for the reason the men thought of. "It went over th-there." He pointed in the opposite direction that he was going to go in.

They nodded, and stormed past him. Soon, their footsteps were nothing but distant memories. He collapsed on the ground, panting. Sweat beaded on his forehead. He could barely keep his eyes open.

"Um..." A high pitched voice called, and he looked up frantically. His eyes gazed into light blue ones, and he yelped, nearly losing control of his form.

"Do you need help?" It was a kid around his age, and he was looking straight at him.

"I-I, uh," He looked around. There was nowhere else to go. But the kid didn't know what he was. He would probably be terrified...

"You look hungry..." The boy remarked, and he cursed his stomach as it belched out it's opinion.

The blue-eyed boy giggled, "I guess it isn't much of an argument, is it?" He turned away. "Follow me."

He gulped. He did not want to follow the boy. Yet the simple thought of food made his mouth water.

His form spiked out a bit as he winced. The more energy he spent in this form, the more his aching hunger gnawed at his already empty stomach.

He limped after the boy, hoping time would not run out.


"Welcome to my home!" The boy said enthusiastically, and led him inside. But he resisted.

"Really, I shouldn't go inside." He whispered, a bit dizzy now. "You don't know what I-"

"Don't care!" The boy sang, and pushed him in. Warmth washed over his cold clothes, and he sighed in relief.

"What's your name, by the way?" The boy asked, tilting his head like that of a dog's. "I'm Bennett."

"I-I don't have a name..." He chattered, hugging himself to calm down his senses. His sensitive ears were flooded by sounds, his nose by smells, his eyes by colors...

"Wow, red eyes?" He froze, turning away from the boy. "Oh, sensitive topic? Sorry."

"I-It's fine..." He mumbled, eyelids drooping. "I should really g-get going-"

"Nu-uh!" The boy chirped, plopping a loaf of warm bread into his hands. His mouth watered at the sight of the bread and his nose tingled with something that he'd never felt before. "Eat first!"

Though his stomach yearned for the food, his muscles ached with strain. "I-I have to go." His hands shook, and the bread fell out of them. He stumbled out of the hut, feeling his form begin to stretch. "I'm sorry!"

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