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"Maxy!" I called desperately, gently nudging him with a finger. "Maxy, wake up!"

The mouse hybrid's tiny tail curled around my finger slowly, and his grey hair ruffled slightly as he gazed up at me with tired eyes.

"Gale..." He whispered weakly, "Don't wake me up..."

"I-I don't want to see you go!" I cried, curling my palm around him. I knew that he was old and weak, but I couldn't get myself to say goodbye.

I didn't want to say goodbye.

He chuckled, wincing in pain at the sudden movements. "Gale, you've got a long 57 years or so. For a mouse like me, you'd be considered near immortal." He coughed, his tiny hand resting on my thumbnail. He snuggled up in his tiny blanket and sighed. "I don't want to say goodbye either, Gale. You've been the most important person in my entire life." His wrinkly face softened. "I was raised at the pet store, I'm sure the manager told you that. I was only a baby when you bought me. I-I was so scared, seeing as my mother had died in that shop." He clenched his hands weakly. "I didn't know what would happen to me."

I nodded, letting him rest his head back. I fought back the tears, familiar tears from all of the horrible stories Max had told me. Of his mother, bruised and battered, and of the terrible stories of mice hybrids being mistreated, killed.

He continued, his voice slurring and pausing as he struggled to find the energy to talk. "You were so n-nice, Gale. Y-You... you gave me... hope when I had none left." His eyes darkened a bit, but he continued talking. "You were my everything... you gave me a life... I never could've imagined..."

His breaths were labored, now.

"Maxy," I whispered. "Max, stop-"

"I hate s-saying goodbye..." He breathed, his ears flicking, his hand going limp. His fading eyes looked at me beseechingly. "You ch-changed my l-life, Gale. Never... f-forget... that..."

He collapsed, his eyes unmoving.

I burst into tears, scooping his lifeless body into my hands, and clutching him close, never letting go.


The clouds were gray and stormy as I gently lowered Max's body into the small hole. I bit back tears, and covered it up with dirt. I adorned his tiny grave with flowers and pebbles, two of his favorite items to collect.

"I h-hate saying goodbye, Maxy." I whispered, hand firmly sealed over my mouth so I wouldn't cry. "And I never will."

I curled my fingers around where he always perched on my shoulder, a reassuring little bundle of emotions and life. The air was cold around it, as though his presence was still there.

I dared to let myself smile, trying to hold back tears. I failed, obviously, and I let myself collapse next to the grave.

"I'll never say goodbye, Max,"

The air grew colder, and I let my hand fall away from my mouth, and I grinned, feeling the stream of tears run down my face.

"Instead, I'll say... welcome back."

The air around me shivered, and I could only tell that wherever he was, he was nodding in agreement.


Self-Prompt: "You are their forever".

I watched a YouTube Short from FriendlyRatForecast, talking about the short lifespans of rats and how to deal with the loss. It kinda moved me.

I've never owned a pet, because of my parents believing I couldn't handle the grief of losing one, among other reasons. And... I believe that. I truly don't think I could recover from the loss of someone I know, no matter who they are.

Be grateful for who you have, or one day, it'll be too late.

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