Reunited (2)

305 11 14

Wally's eyes popped open. "How do you know my name?!" He demanded, feeling nervous.

The tiny man shrunk back slightly, but then took a step forward. "Wally... it's me. Mack." There was a smile on his face that Wally could barely make out, hopeful and hesitant. "It's your brother."

"No." Wally blurted, taking a step back. "You're l-lying." His head spin, and he felt his thoughts dissolve into a confused mess. He refused to believe that finger-sized guy was his brother. He saw the blood. He saw it!

"It's me, Wally." The man said again. "Please, you have to trust me-"

"No." Wally said, tone hardening. "N-No way am I falling for your lies." He stalked toward with renewed determination and snatched up the tiny man in a tight fist. "You take me for a fool?!"

The man cried out in pain as Wally's fingers clutched him tightly, squeezing him, making his chest contract painfully. "Pl-please..." He wheezed. "I-I..."

Wally felt the man's struggles, and felt a pang in his heart. But he strengthened his resolve, and squeezed again. "You are not going to trick me with your lies. Not now, not ever." He felt tears build up in his eyes.

"They're dead." He said thickly. "They're dead, and you can't lie to me, take advantage of me. I won't let you."

The guy cried in pain. "N-No! I-I'm... n-n-not lying! Wally... p-please, don't k-kill me!"

Wally felt the petrified whimpers and cries drill into his head. They were so weak, so close to breaking.

They sounded so much like Mack.

He couldn't take it anymore.

Wally released the man onto the table, clutching his head and sinking to the ground. "Get away, get away, get away," He cried, curling up on the ground. "I've already a-accepted it. Don't m-make me relive it."

"Wally..." The man rasped above him, his small voice nearly a distant whisper. A ghost of the past, haunting him. "Please, Wally, I promise we didn't d-die. Mom and Dad were hiding in the walls. I-I cut myself by accident with sc-scissors."

"Go away..." Wally whimpered, crying into his palms, face red. "I don't... I c-can't go back..."

He heard, amongst his sniffles, footsteps nearing his location. He cringed as a tiny, pillow-like touch rested against his wet cheek. He glanced upwards and saw a thin line descend from the tabletop.

"Leave m-me alone..." He whispered, sniffing pitifully. "I c-can't accept it."

"Then I'll wait till you do." The man replied, his soft voice now much louder next to Wally's ear. "I'll wait as long as I need to."

"But that m-means..." Wally began to bawl again. "I ab-abandoned you..." He let his tears flow faster, letting them roll into his hands.

"No, Wally." The man, no... Mack... said cut in. "You didn't know what was going on. Heck, I don't know what's going on." Wally almost let out an audible sigh when he felt the hand, a comforting little thing, touch his cheek again. "All I know is that it was never your fault."

Wally sniffled, and he gently curled a wet palm around Mack's body. His older brother, that he hadn't seen in over 12 years. "I-I'm so sorry, Mack - I didn't mean to hurt you," He blubbered, rambling and hiccuping. "I was just s-so scared and I was a-afraid you'd l-leave me and that I'd left you a-a-and-"

Mack winced as the newly formed bruises were pressured by Wally's now much gentler grip, but leaned into the palm and smiled. "Don't worry, Wally. We'll get this figured out."

Wally stood up again, surveying the mess the events had caused. Some boxes had been knocked over, items strewn over the floor. The table had a little hook sticking out of the wood, and Wally plucked it out, handing it to his brother, in his hands. "H-Here you go, Mack."

Mack's eyes brightened. "Hey, thanks! I was gonna get it myself, but this is so much better!"

Wally gave him a weak smile. "I-I should eat something..."

Mack nodded vigorously. "Yeah! I ate enough, and I packed some for Mom and Dad." He patted the bulging bag at his side, grinning.

Wally sat down, letting Mack off of his fingers before finishing the rest of the burger that Mack hadn't touched.

"I-I should give you some more food. Y-You look really bony." He murmured, staring at Mack's tiny body. It was thin and wiry, barely containing as much muscle as normal.

Mack chuckled. "Honestly I wouldn't be against that. That is, if it costs any extra..."

Wally gave him a dismissive wave. "I-It'd be worth it for you, Mom and Dad." He scrubbed away the last of his tears. "By the way, h-how are they?"

Mack thought for a moment. "Mom's probably cooking in the walls. Dad's scavenging upstairs, and I was doing the kitchen." He puffed his chest proudly. "We're doing great."

"Could I..." Wally whispered nervously, tapping his fingers together and looking away. "C-Could I see them a-again? Mom and Dad?"

"Of course!" Mack grinned, and jumped on Wally's hand. "Take me to the kitchen!"

Wally startled at first, nearly dropping his tiny brother, but soon managed to pull himself together, and carry his brother over to the tiny hole he'd found earlier.

"See you again soon, Wally!" Mack called, as he ran through the walls. Wally waved hesitantly behind him, letting it fall limp half-heartedly.

I almost killed my brother. Holy... I almost killed him. I almost crushed Mack to death. I would've the reason he died...

He bit back tears, and let time pass as he waited. He heard quiet voices coming from the home, and then he saw Mack emerge.

"Hey, Wally! I found 'em!"

Wally locked eyes with his mother, and felt a feeling that he'd never felt in so long...

"M-Mom?" He squeaked, and then he trailed off as he saw his father right next to her. "D-D-Dad?" He blinked and shook his head, staring at the two new tiny people. "Is that r-really you?"

"Wally..." His mother breathed, and laughed. It was wondering, breathy. "You're here. After all those years, you're all grown up." She let herself fully take in the giant man in front of her. Her son, all strong and grown up.

"Hey, Wally." His father butt in, grinning. "Long time no see."

Wally's hands trembled. "C-Can I hold you?" He murmured quickly, cringing at his own request. "I-I promise I'll be c-careful!"

They both chuckled and nodded. "Just take it slow, though." His mother said as she approached his hand. "I haven't grown any less motion sick in the past 12 years."

Wally nodded, still in awe of the feeling of his two parents now even shorter than his fingers, sitting on his hand.

He carefully lifted them both up, and hugged them close to him. They hugged back, and he could feel their grip on his shirt.

"I missed you." He choked. "I missed you all so much."


Aaaand that's it!

Or is it?

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