040. kidney ghost

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"Buzzkill." Dean comments. "You smell sulfur?"

"Yeah, we're in a science lab." Sam says.

"Right." Dean puts the heart back. His phone rings.

"Who is it?" Sam asks. Dean declines the call. "So, Lisa?"

"Maybe you should mind your own business." Dean says.

"What's wrong with just talking to her, Dean?" Sam asks.

"Thanks, Dr. Laura. That's very insightful. Look at that -- our time's up." Dean quips, making the younger two share an eye roll.

Sam takes his EMF meter out and turns it on, it going off.

"Hey." Sam calls.

"Whoa. Ghosts gone wild. Something's up in here." Dean says.

"Question is, what?" Sam asks.

"Sam, good news." Dean motions to a security camera. "Big brother's watching."


Larissa and Dean are sitting in the Impala while Sam talks to the janitor's girlfriend. Dean's phone beeps and he sees he has a voicemail.

"I say you should talk to her." Larissa says.

"You know what? I'll talk to her when you admit your feelings for Sam." Dean tells her making her roll her eyes.

Their conversation is cut off as Sam gets in the car.

"Hey. So, what'd you find out from the, uh, mop jockey's girlfriend?" Dean asks.

"Nothing. Just how great he was. Went to church, donated to charity, rubbed her feet during Glee." Sam says.

"I just threw up in my mouth." Dean says.

"Foot rubs are a wonderful creation. Well, when you're receiving them. I suppose giving foot rubs can be annoying." Larissa says.

"Sorry. Anyway, I checked his record -- spotless. What about the science building? Anything?" Sam asks.

"Built in '05. Nothing weird about the land. Before this, the biggest mishap was some genius accidentally spilled sulfuric acid on his crotch. They don't even dissect anything good in there. Anything bigger than Kermit, they use an iPad."

"So we got nothing?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, a big steaming pile of it." Dean says.


They're in the mannequin factory where the second victim died.

"Guys?" Sam calls, the EMF going off.

"Yeah?" They chorus.

"This thing's humming." Sam says. "Wait. That anatomy dummy you were molesting at the lab."

"Excuse me?" Dean asks.

"Taking a heart out isn't molesting, it's murdering." Larissa mutters.

"What if that's what this is about?" Sam asks.

"What exactly are you accusing me of?" Dean asks.

"I don't mean that. I mean, there was an anatomy dummy there, and here." Sam says.

"You're joking." Dean chuckles, but Sam doesn't laugh. "You're not joking." He realizes. "Okay, uh, so, what? We've got-- we've got a bunch of killers dolls like Chucky? I mean, come on, that's-- that's just..." Dean stares at a mannequin. "Fucking creepy."

"I mean, if ghosts can possess humans and-and move objects, why can't they possess this?" Sam shrugs.

"He's got a major point." Larissa says.

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