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You pause.

Your right hand is on the open door, and your eyes are locked on the way Jeongguk has moved his hand to grasp your left one. His skin feels warm.

"Don't go."

Wide-eyed, you look up to meet his gaze, noticing how he appears almost... desperate. Pleading for something. "Come back with me."

You blink at him, surprised by the sudden shift, "Jeongguk..."

"I love you. I'm sorry I'm so stupid, but I just—come back with me. I've been fucking miserable, not only these last two weeks but for the past five years but pretending that I wasn't, and I don't wanna do that again. I love you so much, and I'm sorry for everything, I know I fucked it up again, but just come home with me. Please."

Your heart is at a standstill trying to process his words. His dark eyes are wide, honest, sad. Longing for something. The grip he has on your hand is warm and soft but also determined.

In a way, isn't that all you've ever wanted?

Your eyes search his for something, a sign of some kind that you shouldn't. What made him change his mind?

And even if it's a rash, maybe even wrong decision that might just be prolonging the inevitable, how could you possibly say anything else?

"Give me five minutes."

With a somewhat hesitant nod, Jeongguk allows your hand to slip from his, and you leave his car once more. This time with a certain determination of your own in your steps.

You've been gone for around half an hour, but it doesn't seem like your parents have noticed your absence when you find them on the couch in the living room, a comedy playing loudly on the tv.

A bit unsure of what to say but not wanting to waste time, you lean against the doorway.

"Hey, I'm going back home, at least for the night."

They both turn their attention toward you, worry coloring their previously happy expressions.

"Did something happen?" your dad wonders, straightening his back.

The relationship you have with your parents is great, really, but despite that, there are things you don't want to tell them. Discussing your relationship with Jeongguk is one thing you don't want to do, at least not at the moment.

"A friend showed up not feeling all that well, so I'm gonna go with him. But it's alright, don't worry."

"Is it... Jeongguk?"

You meet your mom's curious eyes, and you nod, "...Yeah."

A somewhat knowing smile pulls slightly on her lips, but she doesn't comment on it. "Let us know when you're home."

"Of course. By the way, Jihyo called and asked for you, so call her tomorrow, okay?"

"Oh, okay. I'll do that."

With quick steps, you head for your old bedroom to pack what you need. It's not much since you're going, well, home and will need to return for your car soon enough regardless. Therefore, all you grab is a small briefcase to put your laptop and chargers in. Then, before you exit the house with a last 'goodbye' to your parents, you visit the kitchen.

Between five and ten minutes have passed when you're shutting the front door and locking it behind you. Jeongguk has gotten out of the car too and is leaning against it with his arms crossed over his chest, a stance that makes him look more confident than you guess he really feels.

Evolution of a lover's heart | jjkWhere stories live. Discover now