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"Okay, sweetie, you gotta step back, okay? Don't want you to accidentally get burned, you know?"

Jeongguk pouts, his eyes trained on the pots and pans on the stove.

"Just listen to me, I love you, and I don't wanna see you get hurt. Could never handle seeing my favorite boy in pain, okay?"

"Just get the leash and tie him to the table or something," Jeongguk suggests, stirring the food.

"No, he's super smart, he's just being a bit of a brat, but he understands. Right? You're a good boy, aren't you?"

He glances back over his shoulder at you, standing in front of the Giant Schnauzer, who's lying down with all his attention on you. Prof is pretty clever, Jeongguk has to give him that. He knows that if he does what he's told and lies down, brown eyes meeting yours, he gets a treat after a while. But the second you turn your back on him, he's up and approaching the stove. And since he's huge, his face (and mouth) is way too close to the scorching heat.

"What about me then? You don't care if I get burned?"

The sweet sound of your laughter fills his apartment, and something inside him skips a beat or two, completely interrupting his childish jealousy.

Keeping eye contact with the dog, you slowly back up until you're beside Jeongguk, and you lean back against the counter.

"I think I trust you a little more than to put your face in the pan."

You look through your pocket for a treat. "Good boy."

Jeongguk hears the sound of the dog's mouth catching the flying treat, and he's sure there's drool on his kitchen walls. It's not that he doesn't like dogs, because he does. He even likes this dog. It's just hard to not let the immature frustration get the best of him sometimes.

Even though you just rewarded Prof, you can't stop yourself from leaving Jeongguk's side to praise him further. He glances over his shoulder again as you crouch down next to the dog, your sweet voice cooing at him and your hands finding the black fur on his head.

"You really like him, don't you?" Jeongguk asks, returning his focus to the food. Stirring it, he awaits your answer.

"Yeah. I always wanted a dog, and Prof is so lovely. Lets me hug him all I want," you chuckle. "And honestly, he has my entire heart. Like, it's the best thing in the world when he jumps up on the couch to cuddle, or when he tries to make himself small so he'll fit in my lap."

Jeongguk hums. He shouldn't have asked. 'It's not the dog's fault, it's not the dog's fault.'

"Which, uh, reminds me... I want to apologize to you."

Your voice is quieter than before, but Jeongguk picks it up over the sound of frying food anyway. He holds his breath, keeping his back towards you, and pretends to be busy, stirring more than necessary.

Hearing you so hesitant is never a good sign; it means he's about to hurt in some way or another.

"Back in college... I would, uh... touch you. Even when you said you didn't like it. And I'm sorry for thinking I could read between the lines instead of listening to you, no matter the reason you allowed it."

His mouth tastes of blood.

"But I've grown since then, you know?" you resume, taking on a much more lighthearted tone. Almost proud. "I've learned more about boundaries and what's acceptable and appreciated. I'm just sorry I was so clingy back then. Can you forgive me for that?"

Even if he blinks rapidly, the silent tears won't stop. One spills over, falling down his cheek until it rounds his jaw. There are a ton of ingredients frying loudly in the pan, but not any onions he can blame it on.

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