038. his soul and apologies

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Bobby opens the fridge and looks through it. Sam grabs a wrench and gets up. Bobby grabs a bat, spinning around, and knocking Sam out.

"May have been born at night, boy, but it wasn't last night." Bobby says. He looks up at Larissa standing in the entry way. "Thanks for the help."

"You said you had it handled." Larissa says.

"Come on." The two leave and get some rope to tie Sam up. However, when they return, they find him gone.

"Shit." Larissa mumbles.

"Not good." Bobby mutters. "Let's not do anything hasty here, Sam." He calls out.

Bobby and Larissa are hiding in a closet. Larissa jumps when there's a bang and Sam starts to chop through the door with an axe.

"Don't say, "Here's Johnny."" Bobby quips.

"I got to do this, Bobby. I'm sorry. You shouldn't have cornered yourself." Sam says.

"I didn't." Bobby says, confusing Larissa. Bobby pushes a button and a trap door opens, Sam falling through and into the basement.

"Oh, dude, that's totally fucking awesome." Larissa comments. They leave the closet, standing outside the basement door as Sam tries to break it down.

"Reinforced steel core, titanium kick plate. Get comfy." Bobby tells Sam through the door. "You want to explain what this is about?"

"I just, uh... I have to do this, Bobby." Sam says.

"Says who?" Bobby asks.

"If Dean shoves that soul back in me, think how bad that could really be. I can't let it happen, Bobby. I mean, it's not like I want to kill you. You've been nothing but good to me." Sam says.

"So... what, demon deal or something?" Bobby asks.


"You're making a mistake, Sam."

"I'm trying to survive."

"Dean's got a way to make it safe."

"Oh, yeah, what, some wall inside my head that maybe stays up? Come on."

"If if works--"

"Yeah, what if it doesn't? Dean doesn't care about me. He just cares about his little brother, Sammy, burning in Hell. He'll kill me to get that other guy back."

"Can't say I really blame him." Larissa comments.

"Look, I... I know how scary it is. But you know what's scarier right now? You're not in your right head, Sam. You're not giving us much choice here." Bobby says, but doesn't get a reply. "Sam?" No answer. "Balls!"

"Stay behind me." Bobby tells Larissa. He opens the basement door, the two carefully going downstairs. "Ain't nobody killing me in my house but me. I don't want to blow your legs out, boy, but I will."

They walk around, finding the vent on the ceiling of the panic room open.

Bobby and Larissa are outside and following a trail of blood. They find blood on one of the cars. Larissa goes to turn around, but is hit over the head, her body falling to the ground.

Bobby turns and Sam knocks him out. Sam quickly ties Larissa's wrists to one of the door handles on a car with zip ties. He drags Bobby back to the house.

~ ~ ~

"Rissa? Rissa?" Larissa wakes up to a hand patting her face. "Rissa?" She slowly opens her eyes, finding Dean crouching in front of her.

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