I'll Show You Mine

Start from the beginning

"Hello," says my reflection waving at our audience. "I hope you enjoy our dance."

Rolling my eyes I turn and pull yet another reflection from the mirror. I continue pulling out reflections until I have about twenty all in various gowns and while they are all me they each look distinctly different. While I've been bringing out more they have started to dance in large sweeping circles.

Now that I have enough women for the dance it's time for some men to accompany them and music! Deciding we need music first I walk to the nook with the instruments tucked in it and waving my hand at them set them playing a lovely haunting waltz. The girls all sigh and change their pace to match the rhythm of the dance.

"Ladies your partners!" I announce turning to the door to the rest of the house. At my command the door opens and men in green, earthy suits enter each with a bow before sweeping onto the dance floor to claim a partner.

As they dance I wave my hands causing grass to sprout from the floor and flowers to begin to grow on the steps while vines wind their way up the columns. Slowly I create an outdoor paradise out of the ballroom. I hear claps and gasps from my audience and smile to myself knowing the best is yet to come.

Twirling in place I change my outfit to a deep purple dress that flows down to the ground and place a crown of flowers upon my head. "That was earth which shall be the next element invoked? Pick and element!" I call I my audience.

"Fire!" shouts Arthur gazing at the magical scene I've created.

"Very well!" I says laughing. "Come down Sir Arthur and learn to master fire!" Hopping down from his seat Arthur almost trips in his hurry to join me at the center of the dancing couples who all part and move to the steps upon his arrival.

"So shall we play with fire?" I ask rubbing my hands together creating sparks.

"Woah!" Arthur exclaims jumping back.

"Here hold this!" I say cupping the flame in my hand and handing to him.

"Cool!" says Arthur shaking slightly as he holds the flickering flame in his hand.

"You can juggle can't you?" I ask. I think I remember somewhere that Jenny said he can.

"Yea," replies Arthur his eyes glued in the flame.

"Then juggle it!" I encourage. "Come down gents and let's all play with fire!" Cheering in delight the crowd of people I created comes down the men's clothes turning black and ashy while the women whirl around before going back to the steps. As they take their seats the music changes and the women begin to sing a cheery tune that almost seems to be a chant.

Arthur and the other men begin to juggle flames and Arthur crows delight as he successfully juggles his flame. As they juggle the flames begin to change color until a rainbow of flames dances through the air.

"Alright gentlemen time to move I the next element!" I shout twirling around. "To the steps so the next element can be chosen!" At my command the men and Arthur move to the side of the steps across from the singing women.

"Well what element is next my fair ladies?!" I asks turning back to Delilah and Jenny.

"Water!" Jenny shouts bouncing up an down in her seat.

"Water it is then my fair Lady Jenny!" I reply enthusiastically. "Come my Lady and we shall awaken the sirens to dance with them!"

Jenny squeals in delight as she practically flies down the steps to join me at the base of the steps. "Stay right here," I tell her backing away to the center of the floor. When I reach the center I lift my skirt out of the way and stamp my foot once. The floor ripples from my stomp and beings to turn to water. Soon enough I'm standing on a pool of water which was once the floor.

When The Wicked Witch Meets the Big Bad WolfWhere stories live. Discover now