036. vampire cure

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"Wow. This guy wanted to meet her at a place called The Black Rose."

"Give me a break." Dean rolls his eyes.

"Just reporting the news."

"It's probably just your standard issue perv, right?"


"Well, you wanted emo chicks, I think we hit ground zero." Dean says as the three sit at a table in The Black Rose. "Thank you." He tells the waitress who gives them their drinks. "You think she wears all that rubber to the beach? When was the last time we had a beer together, anyway?"

"Well, he was "dead" for a year, so at least that long. Probably when Gary was with us." Larissa says.

"Oh, yeah, that kid." Dean mutters. "Too bad he was a warlock in training. Much better Sam than Sam."

"There." Sam nods to a teenage boy who is talking to a teenage girl. "What do you think? He's hittin' on her hard enough. Real?"

"I don't know. It's hard to tell." Dean says. "Hey, we got multiple choice." He points out two men talking to some girls.

"Great. Three of them and three of us." Sam says.

"It's literally an even number." Larissa says.

"Okay. Make that two of them." Dean says, seeing one of the guys kiss another guy.

"One's on the move." Sam says, noticing the teen boy and girl start to walk out. They see the other possible guy start to leave.

"All right. You go with Efron, I got Bieber." Dean says. They part ways, Larissa going with Dean. They follow the teenagers into the alley behind the bar.

Dean rips the boy away from her.

"Hey!" The boy yells.

"Go! Get out of here!" Dean tells the girl and she runs off.

"Wait, what?" The guy asks and Dean slams him against the dumpster. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Open your mouth!" Dean orders. The boy opens his mouth, two fake fangs in his mouth. "Take those out. Take 'em out." The boy takes them out. "Oh, for the love of... what are you, twelve?" Dean studies him. "Are you wearing glitter?"

"I only do it to get laid, man." The boy says.

"Does it work?" Dean asks. The boy shrugs and slightly nods. "I'll be damned. All right, MMMBop your way out of here. Go, go." Dean says and the boy leaves. He slows to a stop by Larissa.

"Not a chance." She tells him and he leaves.

"Use a condom!" Dean calls after the guy. Larissa and Dean share a slightly amused look and they begin to leave the alley.

"You're pretty." They hear. They turn around, seeing a guy behind them.

"I'm sorry?" Dean asks.

"I said... you're pretty." Dean says. The guy steps a bit closer, Larissa taking a step back. Dean holds his hand out in front of her.

"Yeah, sorry again, pal. I don't play for your team." Dean says.

The guy grabs Dean, launching him through the air, and Dean lands on the dumpster before crashing into a pile of garbage bags. Larissa quickly takes a knife out, but the vamp knocks it out of her hand, before throwing her into the wall on the other side of the alley.

Larissa slams into the wall before crashing to the ground, black spots clouding her vision. She lets out a quiet whine, trying to get up, but only feels herself pass out.

habits, supernatural [ 1 ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin