Enchanted -W.M

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I should've taken her number. I'm so dumb for not doing that. 

I turn to the other side of the bed and play our encounter wondering if I should've done something different. 

"And now I'm pacing back and forth. Wishing you were at my door. I'd open up and you would say. "Hey"." I shake my head slightly. The next few days were torture.

I want to see her again. I really want to. But does she want that as well? Did I have such an effect on her as she did on me? 

She left me wanting more. I'm under her spell. 

I pace my living room trying to come up with a way to see her again. I need to see her again. That night meant something for both of us. Or that's what I'm hoping. 

I look at my front door. She knows where I live. Maybe she'll come to see me. 

When someone rings my doorbell in the next couple of hours, I sprint from where I was sitting on the couch.

Please be her. Please be her.

I open the door but the sight breaks my heart. 

It's not her.

"It was enchanting to meet you. All I know is, I was enchanted to meet you." I sing in my microphone once again. 

I'm feeling everything once again.

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home. I'll. spend forever wondering if you knew." I repeat the chorus once again. I smile when I see people dancing to my song. 

It means a lot that they are enjoying a song that is so important to me. 

"Oh, I wanted to ask you earlier, but I forgot." Wanda quickly stops in her tracks and turns to face me. 

"What do you want to ask me?" I reply curious about where this is going.

"You said you are a singer." She states and I nod even though it was not a question. "Can I find your music online? And, what do you do? Covers or originals?" She asks very passionately which warms my heart that she cares about my music.

"You can find some online, yes." I nod. "Just search my name and you should find plenty. And I'm mostly doing originals. But from time to time, I would do a cover if I find an interesting song." I ramble.

"That's cute. I will definitely listen to your music, you made me very curious." She admits. "But I already know I will love it. I have a hunch."  Wanda gives me one of her famous smirks. 

"That this night is flawless, don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew. I was enchanted to meet you." I look down at my guitar to try and hide my blushing face. 

I took a step back from the microphone and I let my thoughts wander once again, while my hands were on autopilot doing the guitar solo. 

She's walking calmly beside me and all I can do is focus on everything that she does. Every movement that she makes it's a rare form of art in my eyes. From the way she walks to the way her shoulders slightly bounce off from her giddy and tipsy mood. 

I'm feeling like a teenager once again, making lovey-dovey eyes at my crush that was sitting in front of me. But I couldn't care less right now. 

Not when she had this enchanting aura around her. Not when I felt this connection with her.

"This is me praying that. This was the very first page. Not where the story line ends. My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon. I was enchanted to meet you." I avert my gaze to my guitar once again while remembering how much I wished for things to be different. For the situation to have happened another way.

Lizzie & Wanda One shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt