I won't tell you his name.

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After mj dropped the bomb, my brother wouldn't stop pestering me to tell him who I liked. Of course, me being conflicted whether I like Adrian or infatuated with him, made me don't want to tell my brother his name.
It would be awkward if I realized I  just had a crush on Adrian after telling Pete. And another reason is he will start to try and give me that talk. I would know. Before moving her, I had a one day boyfriend, his name was Nick, we were friends. He was such a sweet boy. But he was my boyfriend for only one day. You know why.
I woke up that morning to see a notification from Pete asking whether today we can sleepover after school with Mj in my house. I texted it was okay.
At school that day, my friend and my secret crush, Nick was standing beside my locker. I won't tell he looked handsome because he has a baby face. I have a crush on him because of his character. He is always so selfless and caring. All the times goofy. Making others happy at the same time so responsible when needed.
After greetings, I asked why he was waiting for me and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was baffled. I told that I would love to be but brought up the fact that we didn't even went to a date.
He told me he had a crush on me for a long time and treated every study session as our date. But we can go to a date afterwards as boyfriend and girlfriend. I said sure and I thought it would be a good idea to tell Pete just like how he told me first about his girlfriend Mj. So to introduce him I asked whether he was free that day. And he said yes. So I told him about the sleepover with Pete and Mj. He agreed.
And I didn't know how much of a fucked up step it was.
I was giddy the whole time at school. After school I brought him to my house. By the time Pete was lounging in my bed like it was his own house. Mj was not there because her mother needed her help.
I introduced Nick, my boyfriend to Pete.
And that is how I went from giddy to want the earth to swallow me now mood.
Pete interrogated Nick and he was half scared out of his wits by the end of Pete interrogation. After the interrogation he approved of our relationship. I thought thank Lord, the embarrassing part is over, but soon realized I thought too soon, as he made us sit and gave us that talk.
And to say the least our one day relationship came to a end.
And that day onwards, I decided I will not tell Pete about my boyfriend before I warn my future boyfriend about my crazy brother Pete.
So now as Pete is pestering me and Mj about the name and us about refusing to tell ( Mj know about the incident and knows how I felt about it and also she knows her boyfriend well. )
"I won't tell you his name until I am sure I like him and it is not just a mere infatuation Pete. And this better be the end of this topic. " I told Pete.
Pete opened his mouth to say something only for Mj to pinch his ears and say:-
"Let the poor girl be, Pete. Let her come to a conclusion first and then let her talk to the boy then she will say his name. "
"Ouch... Ouch... Ouch.... But you know who it is Mj. It is unfair. What if he is a killer or worst hater of Star Wars? "
We looked at Pete with what the fuck look.

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