'Hero or a villian'

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After suiting up, I asked dawn to check ladyblog for any update. There they are. I went to the school . I turned my invisibility . I saw both of them fighting with Donne forte. You may think I don't like ladybug but you can see the reason now. She is using him as a human shield.

Without another thought I jumped to the fight. And without another thought as it is now or never I turned my invisibility go. There are few gasp. I see to my left to see chat really hurt. Lady is also hurt but not much as chat.

I know that Chloe has anger issues. And I am also sure now everyone is confused as hell about me whether I am a hero or a villian. 

Y/n-'I, Drugarica, challenge Donne forte. '

D F-'who do you think you are? I don't have time  for this. I have to get their miraculous.'

Y/n-'Are you afraid I would beat you?'

D F-'pfft... The almighty chat noir and ladybug are defeated within 5 min. You won't even sustain a minute. I don't want to waste my precious minute on you'

She started walking towards chat. I made a web ball and threw at her in hope of pissing her off. And let me tell you it worked. Now I saw a butterfly symbol in her face. And I heared their conversation. 

Hawkmoth- 'who is she? anyway I want her too alive.' 

y/n-'hi hawkmoth. you can get me only in your dreams. yes I can hear your conversation.'

hawkmoth-'what? how can you? I am more intrigued by you. See you soon, mystery. Donne forte get her.'

y/n-' good luck with that and Donna forte I am giving you benefit. if you win in this hand to hand combat I will surely hand over my miraculous'

yes yes I don't have miraculous and my powers are mine but do I need to tell the world. No. it will make me a prey for evil.

D N-' I don't need the benefit. At the end of the fight you will be death to even save your miraculous'

She pounded on me. I easily dodged it as my spider sense helped. She tried to claw me, I dodged it too. 

Dawn-' A incoming call from peter parker'

I tried to process it but Donne forte took advantage of it. She hit me in the abdomen and hell it hurts. okay enough playing. I asked dawn to answer the call.

y/n-' peter, I am in the middle of the fight. any problem there? are can I call you in 5 minutes.'

peter-' Are you kidding me from when you started patrolling on day time?'

I was talking to him while I am fighting. I was simply dodging it. I can win her easily because I have mastered in adimurai. Then you may ask why I haven't finished the fight yet. Because it is my fighting style. If I easily finish her I give my other opponent a advantage to see my capacity. But I like them to underestimate me then I show them how wrong they are by defeating them. No one know my true capacity. Even Peter. Even myself. I got bored from dodging .

y/n-'Peter let me call you in 1min'

And quickly told dawn to cut the call.

I let her corner me in a corner. She thought I was her prey but little did she know I am the lion here. I quickly jumped above her head and landed behind her. She spun around and I quickly webbed her to a wall. I very carelessly made my way to her and took her sun shades.

y/n-'It is very beautiful.'

I walked and got a jar and again went near her. I intentionally dropped it and broke it

y/n-'oops, my bad.'

The akuma came and I trapped it in the jar. Donna screamed no. I made my ways to the heros. I gave to chat since I have to go before chat comes there. yeah I have a suspicion that chat is Adrian but I have to make sure first.

He looked at me like I have grown 5 heads. He said he needs to talk to me. I leaned and invaded his personal space and whispered in his ears, 'I have work kitty so better hurry and better be important. I be waiting for you in the terrace of next building.'

I promise I saw chat blushing. Here comes the part why I like being invisible. Many asked many question. I answered Alya's question of what is my name. I told loudly to everyone to hear ' I am Drugarica.'

I shot my Web and landed on the terrace and shocked to see the least expected person.                    SPIDER MAN a.k.a PETER.

A/n:- hi, cupcakes.

hope you all are fine. Should I continue this story? Do u guys think my story is good enough to continue. Even if one of you told me to continue , I will  continue. stay safe cupcakes

love you all, bye.

My dear drugarica (chat noir x reader )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum