The devil's I have to call my relatives

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Peter nodded and hold my hands to give me strength.
Me- when I was little we were living like a joint family. My father has 3 siblings. 1 older sister and 2 older brothers. This 2 older brothers and their families, my grandparents and us were living in the same house. Mom used to say when I was little me being the youngest was everyone's favourite.
I used to be so bubbly. Mom used to say that me staying in her arm for 2 hrs was hardly possible because everyone wants to have me.
I was a princess till I was the age of 6. Adults became fighting for money. I was a bold girl till I was 6 and I honestly wasn't scared of anything till that night.
It was nearly 10 at night. I was playing with my toys on the couch in the hall. My parents were talking in the bed room. Something was wrong because my relatives were not talking to me as the same way and mom didn't allowed me to see them except my grandparents but I was too young to realise it.
That night the door before me start to break because someone is trying to break it from the opposite side. Hearing the loud commotion my parents came out. I was basically shaking.
I don't know what is going on. My dad opened the door only to find my uncles and grandfather standing there with cricket bat to hit my father. They don't even think how it will mentally affect a 6 year old. My mother rushed to my side to hold me. She can't even concentrate on me as they were trying to hit my father.
Many neighbors rushed to get them not kill each other. From that day On I felt scared from dark, loneliness. I didn't told my parents how it mentally affected me because already they were having their mental breakdown and I don't want them to feel guilty and sad that it had traumatized me this way. And after that the the torture they gave to get our share of that property was too high even though mom and dad tried to save me from them. They showed no mercy even to me. They tried to choke my mother. Hit my dad.
Traumatized me by making my dad broke down before me. My dad was my superhero and they know it. They know I was there when my dad broke down but my parents didn't know. My dad my hero asked them just to poison him and his family rather torture us. He broke to the point instead of torture he asked for death.
There I got the fear of losing loved ones. I was only 8 when my mom was pregnant. No one was there to care for her. I have to take of her after I got home after school till my dad come home after his work.
I started to cook, sweep and wash utensils at the age of 8. So I mentally got matured. I craved love. Because u see how it will feel to get loved my many and suddenly too people only love you and that too I felt reduced due to they have to share it with my sister. It hit me pretty hard but my parents don't have any idea.
And I only had one friend and she just broke it for someone who she knew barely a year. Of course I didn't told her about the traumatizing issues at home but when I was already heart broken my friend helped it completely break into many small pieces.
It was like no one wants me anymore other than my parents and grandmother who just visited me and my family unknown to her husband like it was like a crime to see us. From there I have a big wall to come closer to me. You can't blame me though I wasn't and still hasn't ready to be hurt. Except my parents every one seems to need me only when there is benefit out of it.
How can I trust somebody when my own blood relatives have abuse me mentally and emotionally. How can I trust when my bestie leave someone for me. It is only 10% of what I gone through.
Till today only Alexa , Jo and Peter alone knew it. Alexa and Peter when I broke down and sister ... It was when she shouted at me crying that I was lucky that my mother side kids where there to play with me and she was not lucky enough that she is lonely only having me. That night I only shared the broken door matter, my voice void of any emotion like a robot she never seen this side and quick to understand that I have gone through lot.
Lot have approached to be my friends and maximum 2 year tops they say I don't want to continue the friendship. The first 4 really hurted. But after that I understood I had broke to the point where I can't feel pain any more.
More demanded me why I was over possessive. But I never got to share my tragic experience because I don't want anyone to have me as friend out of pity. I didn't told anyone because I don't want to be pitied.
All think I am so cold and heartless but the ones really know me will tell that I am still the little girl wanting to be loved again. I am sorry that I didn't told you guys I am rich but I am really tired of fake people that I hold myself even with the ones that honestly loves me. I have many secrets and I am not yet ready to share and even don't know I ever be. Please don't tell to anyone.
Peter hugged me and I really needed it. I had felt a little relieved as I unlocked some of my secrets. All showed that they were there for me by hugging me. This sleepover is growing overemotional to my liking. They told they can't pity but feel proud about me feeling strong and some person eyes held respect.
A/n: As I told earlier it is my life slightest worst memory. They still never stopped hurting my family. And the way I wanted to let them get the taste of their own medicine was to bury them with my success. What a sadistic demons they were to get pleasure from hurting a little old girl who was there own blood.
I will try to update soon and we are going to reach 1000 views ,😘
Love you cupcakes 😘

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