Truth or dare

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All started to eat and let me tell you they were fighting for the last murukku and guess who won it? It was Mj. All basically filled their tummy but I didn't well because I know out of the three I done gulab will be the perfect chef kiss and don't forget the fact there is ice cream along with it.
Peter noticed and asked me why I haven't filled my tummy. I smiled wickedly.
Then we decided to play truth or dare. More like compled by Alya.
Alya- Mj truth or dare
Mj- truth
Alya-who did first propose you or Peter.
Mj-me. Adrian truth or dare
Adrian- Truth
Mj- what do you think about y/n?
Adrian- I...uh...she is really beautiful, smart, strong and selfless. She is a wonderful soul. Okay nino truth or dare?
(I was blushing like crazy)
Nino- Truth bro
Adrian- what is your deepest secret.
Nino- I....may or may not be the one that really broke Alya's favourite single edition cd.
Alya- so you are the culprit ah? When were you planning on telling me .
Nino- sorry baby. I will surely make it up for you. Okay Peter truth or dare?
Peter- truth
Nino- okay I will give you a tough question. Y/n and Mj are fighting who side will you be.
Mj- I knew it before itself nino they will throw their life away in a fraction of second if it meant saving another. And I am happy for them.
Nino- wow ..... Really I thought he will choose you.
Mj- if I have fight against anyone in this world he will be my side the only exception is y/n. This too have that much loyalty.
Peter- she is important to me. She is like no she is my sister.
Me- okay Pete who are going too emotional for my liking.
Alya- seriously mj never you felt jealous of your man talking about her non stop.
Mj- first I was. A little. Then he told their memories and then I knew why he is like that. And now it became annoying. But I love this two. Y/n is my best friend too. And I kinda find their sibling relationship cute.
Mari- Any recent incident that took place that involves he supporting his sister.
Y/n- actually, yes. It was the first day they arrived Paris. Parents went out along with may. So it was just me, my sister and this two. Me and Mj decided to cook. But I was saying let's make noodles and she was saying let's make pizza. We were in deep discussion. Then the two other decided to walk in that. Knowing me too well that I love noodles my bro over here told noodles and knowing us too well my sister said pizza and it led to a food fight and the place was very messy. Atlast we ordered both from a hotel.
(Every laughed as well as surprised that me and Mari are not fighting)
Peter-juleka truth or dare
Jule- truth
Peter- do you have a crush on someone here.
Jule- Yes, it is rose.
We all awed.
Jule- okay Mari truth or dare.
Mari- truth.
Jule-why did you act cold towards y/n in the beginning.
Mari- I had trust issues. Okay rose truth or dare.
Rose- Truth.
Mari- what do you think of drugarica?
Rose- well she seems like she is using her miraculous better but I think she is more like a lone wolf.
Adrian- what makes you say that
Rose- well after Donne forte she helped but didn't do the pound it.
Y/n- yeah..  you are right she didn't do the fist bump. I thought she worked with ladybug and cat noir.
( I know I must receive the Oscar for acting this year)
Peter gave me a look.
Rose- y/n truth or dare
Y/n- truth
Rose- do you like which Paris hero and why?
Y/n- I have not seen them yet but from Alya lady blog I like cat noir.
Mari- we all know he is a flirty feline.
Y/n- no Mari, he is a sweet boy who as been hurted deeply by something and masks his sadness by his flirtiness. I get a feeling I know him in my personal life but I can't surely tell because around me no one masks there sadness by flirting.
Adrian seems awfully quiet. and let me tell you I am guessing my hunch is right. But if he decides to tell me I will also tell my secret.
Adrian excuse himself to restroom.

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