Two contrasting fights

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This chapter will be small . Sorry though. It is after drugarica and Spidey left.
Chat pov
After both of them left, I turned to leave. Really the last words that drugarica said about me being special to her was lingering in my mind. I want to talk to her.
I am really happy. Why? Because I guess I am not important to anyone till now after my mom died. My dad If it comes to business or his own son he won't think for a second his answer will be work.
Ladybug would care only because we need to save civilian. But here comes a girl who says I am important to her. And I don't know why but I feel that the words came from her heart.
To my ruin my happiness, here comes it:-
Lb-' can you believe her kitty? She is saying I am jealous. I don't know who she thinks she is. I am sure as hell she is working for hawkmoth then only she can hear hawkmoth. Keep away from her kitty.'
C-' why you hate her so much ladybug? You used to be kind to others. What happened to you? She clearly saved our lives you should be thanking her not hurt her through your words. Sometimes what we consider small insult may hurt a person lot then they intend to be.'
Lb-' can't you see cat noir she is putting the act of saving us and when we believe her enough she will take our miraculous. I think she is into some sort of black magic. She is starting to brainwash you too.'
C-' I can't believe you lady bug, is it really you? Can you really understand what you are telling? Okay answer my question, if she works with hawkmoth, today most likely we are dead and accept it we would have been defeated even she arrived a ten minutes later why save our miraculous rather than taking it today itself?'
Lb-' I..i...i...ugh... Chat noir I think she wants to turn you against me. Can't you see it? We are fighting and you are fighting with me for her.'
C-' And what will she get out of it. I think she is right. You are jealous. Please realize and come back as the ladybug you used to be.
With that I left.
Y/n pov:-
After we left, Pete was fuming. I asked dawn to text my mom whether they (Pete, Mj ,and aunt May) can stay in our house. She quickly replied okay. My mom and aunt may are friends.
I didn't told him yet.
We went to the hotel they were staying. I asked Pete how he came that much quickly well he basically lied to me that he was boarding the plane while they were at the Paris airport. Liar.
Then we were talking for a while. Mostly about how he didn't stop talking about me in New York. He missed me a lot. Mj playfully told that she was jealous. I laughed hard.
Then I asked them well scratch it demanded them to cancel this hotel and come stay in our house.
May was not accepting and I told her to talk to her friend about it. Out of my mom and aunt may, my mom is so stubborn that she will only bend for her. So she sighed knowing her attempt will go futile.
We cancelled their hotel and went to our house. Well mansion. Peter and Mj took the room next to mine. Jo was so happy because she like them a lot. Mum came earlier and took aunt may out telling that they need girls day.
Mj and I decided to cook while Jo and Pete were watching TV.
Actually we decided to cook but not decided what to cook. I told we can cook noodles because I basically love noodles but Mj told we can cook pizza. We were having a deep debate. Pete and Jo came. We asked them both what they want. Knowing me very well, my sweet brother asked for noodles. But knowing us too well my devil sister asked for pizza. Again we started the debate.
Then a idea popped to my mind. I grinned ear to ear. Pete know I am up to something with the smile dancing on my lips. I know he will surely be my side only. We are in the end of week so we have to go to grocery shopping soon. I grabbed the near by flour containing bowl without Jo and Mj attention. I signalled my brother to take some in order to know whether he is in this along with me. Without there attention we took the flour. I smashed the flour to Jo face while Pete with his girlfriend face. We took the bowl and started running laughing hard.
Both of them took the few grams of flour left in the packet and we began the food fight. They failed miserably. I was having the flour bowl and there was only some flour left and an idea came. I throw some flour on Pete face and laughed hard. And tried to run away. Key word try.
They all turned against me now. They dumped the whole flour left on me now. Then I can't control anymore everyone started laughing hard then we cleaned ourselves and the house too.
Then we ordered some noodles and pizza. Jo decided to call it night and went to sleep. Mj too know I am drugarica. We were laughing and talking. Then Mj decided to sleep too. We decided to go for patrolling and then we could go to sleep.
Enjoy my cupcakes
Until next time
Love you 😘

My dear drugarica (chat noir x reader )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora