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"Akka (sister) , wake up, it is first day of our school, we must be on time, get up , get up, you have to do my hair apart from it you must get ready yourself too. Get up you grizzly bear from your hibernation or I will make you,muahahahahahaa"
I groan and wake up as my sister scream in victory. Weirdo... I went to do my normal morning routine. I went to my closet and chose to wear a cute dress today.
I am not the type to show too much skin. My dad being all protective, will keep on complaining me about the dress that I become annoyed and end up changing the dress.
You must wonder then how I got those dresses well..... My mom buys those and ask me to wear it. I think she likes to annoy dad very much. Today I don't want my dad to start my morning with complaining. I have a best outfit. I searched my complete closet to find that one new dress which my Patti (grand mother) gave. Here I found it . I hope it suits me.

 I hope it suits me

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Yeah... Indian model dress in my first day of french school. You think I am weird...... Maybe but I like being unique. Actually I adore Indian culture and most important reason is the Indian cuisine, my paternal grandmother who is an Indian, once cooked me Indian dishes and there I fell in love.
I came out and my sister gave me the look of wtf. I simply shrugged. I did her hair and went down.
My father looked at me awe-stucked. Yeah you may guess I am my father's girl . My father was welling up in emotion after seeing me in that dress. He was proud of me.
My mother came and give me and my dad a disapproving look. But we shrugged it off. She made a simple breakfast.
My parents told me that they won't be there home till late night because of work. Me and my sister left for school after my dad's advice to not trust anyone especially boys and my mom arguing that we want to make friends in our life.
Sometimes they can argue on unnecessary things. We reached the school, and every one was staring at me. "Why are they staring at us?" I asked my little sister. "Well...It is not there fault. They can't see every day a new beautiful girl wearing a Indian dress walking in there school" she shrugged. ''Did you just call me beautiful , my small sister? I remember you giving me wtf look in morning"
"I just know that this dress will create unnecessary over attention to you then you already have, Akka(sister) and who told you that you are not beautiful?" she replied.
I don't know what to reply so I started to search for principle office. All have been staring at me and I after the talk with my sister was feeling like I am the beauty queen 😂😂😂.
After trying for long we found the principal office. He gave us our schedule.
I was trying to find my classroom suddenly my spider sense alarmed. Some one from behind is going to shove me in my shoulder but I with my quick thinking dropped my bag and I squat pretending to pick it up to take it making whoever it was to fall face first. Take it bitch. Taste your own medicine .
I gave her my hand to help her like a good girl. She was so embarrassed. She ran away crying.
I went to the class some were murmuring some thing looking at me. I went to the last bench and found it empty thus I slid on the bench and turn on my phone and plugged in a headphone and started the song

After some time I got bored so I thought to hear what are they talking about 😈. To my utter shock they are talking about me.
Many talking no gossipping about Chloe incident with me . They are gossipping that I pushed her to ground. And I am worse than Chloe.
Okay that girl is Chloe. What is wrong with this people always seeing me as the villian. First the cat and bug next my class mates. But cat is sweet he said that he believes me.
But that bug, ugh.... Suddenly someone approaches me. A red headed boy came and asked to sit beside me. I gave space for him to sit. He introduced himself as Nathaniel.
  Y/n:  "Well... My name is (Y/N). "
  N: "Y/n , I um don't want to be rude but I don't want to believe in gossip.
Are you bad As they are sa"
Y/n : I interrupt him" I know what you are talking about and what you are going to ask. Listen I don't care what people think about me. I know who I am. I am a human neither good nor bad but a combination of both. But really I am happy atleast one of them in this class asked me without jumping in to conclusions so I don't think you are rude."
N: "How do you know what they were gossipping about? I saw you listening to music."
Y/n: "They have been staring me from the start and can't help when people are gossipping loudly near me itself." I chuckled.
He stares for a few minutes and told "you know I actually am a shy person. I won't talk to anyone this much but something in your aura made me feel like you are my sibling and I can talk to you freely".
I really felt happy. "Yay Then I have a big brother from now" He smiled widely.
N:" But y/n, why this dress?"
Y/n:" What is wrong with this dress?"
N:" Nothing wrong but all the boys can't keep there eyes to them . I don't want them to eye you. Unless you are a Indian or you love Indian dresses don't wear it"
Y/n:" awww my big brother is so protective over me. I feel like a princess" I joked
We laughed. All the stares were on us.
But the gossip was proven wrong by Nathaniel. Thank you my brother. I didn't noticed Chloe sitting in the front bench. When did she arrived?
"Adrikkins" Chloe screeched.
Ahhhh my poor ears. I turned around to who she was referring. Only his back was visible as Chloe was talking to him.
He turned around to escape from her poor boy. But when he turned around his emrald green eyes locked with my e/c eyes.

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