F/n daughter? !!!!!

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Y/n pov:-

I went home and told Peter and MJ about the sleepover. They agreed to come. Suddenly my phone vibrated. There was messages from a unknown group. I went to check the phone numbers. It was none other than my group.

Adrian- Did Everyone agreed to come for the sleepover?

Alya- Mari said she will come :)

Me-Good. Peter and MJ too said they will come. 

Adrian- very well then I am waiting. Meet you all in 1 hour.

Everyone replied with okay and we will be there .

I packed whatever I want for sleepover. Me, MJ and Pete all got ready with our stuff and there was only 10 minutes left. Dad told me to take my baby lamboghini (picture above). My dad is the one and only F/n, owner of the Y/l/n company, successful businessman. He came here because the branch in Paris is having some problem. Most public don't know I am his daughter. Only Father's important client know me as his daughter but I am happy the way it is now as I said earlier I don't like to show I am rich because I don't want anyone to use me only for my money. I want real friendship not a fake one. But I know my friends Nath, Alya, Adrian, Nino, Rose and Juleka are not like that. But my baby without any problem will draw unnecessary attention. And Adrian's house is not far from here. Pete and MJ know I am rich and also how I feel about it.  

We started to walk to Adrian's house. I went inside and saw everyone standing on the hall. I asked why they were standing there. Nino told that Adrian dad wanted to meet everyone before the sleepover. His voice held somewhat a annoyed tone. It was not towards me.  

I shrugged and waited. My spider sense was going off and my eyes met with Pete. His spider sense is also going off I can tell you from his expression. My body was tense. There came a man who I have met when I was nearly 10 but I can't remember his name and a middle aged lady.

The man was none other than Adrian's dad. The Man spoke,

Gabriel- I agreed because Adrian promised to work an extra hour of his free time if I agreed for this. Adrian as photoshoot tomorrow. So make sure that you sleep earlier. I have work so I won't be in this house.

Gabriel  gaze fall on me.

Gabriel- Ms. l/n, Nice to meet you after 7 years. How is your father?

Me- Nice to meet you too, Mr. Agreste. And my father is doing well.

Gabriel- I didn't know you were in Paris.

Me- We recently moved here Mr.Agreste .

Gabriel- I will talk to your father later. 

I nodded. Still my spider sense was going off. I feel uneasy. Gabriel and the lady left. I felt somewhat at ease. Everyone was silent till we went to the room. I don't blame them because if I know from someone that my friend is hiding that she is rich, I will feel like that she didn't believe me. I felt like I wanted to apologize and decided to tell them why I have trust issue.

Y/n:- Um... I am sorry. I didn't told who I truly am. But I think I should tell you the reaso

I was interrupted by mari

Mari- You thought we will use you?

My one of my worst memory decided to flash in my mind. The reason why I don't trust someone easily. Pete alone have idea why I have trust issues.Even MJ don't know about it. He saw me and knows that I am in the verge of panic attack . He came near me quickly. He tried to calm me. My panic attack is different, I will be struck in to the memory that is I will be in my 8 year old self. I will be physically present but mentally I will be in the place I was 9 years before. Pete made me sit in his lap and protectively wrapped his arms around me and cooed that I was not there. No one know what is going on because my face was emotionless. They were more than confused because Pete was repeating I was not there. Everyone understood something had happened. But Mari decided to push my buttons more.

Mari- Damn, You are a good actor. To avoid the question what a drama. Surely everyone will believe you but not me. Stop acting.

That's it, I Broke. I won't cry easily and even when I cry I will be alone. Pete know how I feel about crying before people. I don't want to be weak before anyone. Now, Pete know I completely broke. Mari kept on blaming me.

Pete-Shut up, You heartless monster. Shut up, You don't know about her. Don't talk about her. You don't know what she have gone through. She 

I cut him off by tugging his shirt like the little girl I am. Pathetic .

Everyone was silent.

Pete was cooing gently that everything will be okay and that he is here for me. I felt  hands on my lap and back, I turned to see. It was Adrian and Nath. Mari exclaimed that she can't see the drama and told that she will be in the hall and asked to call her after the drama was over. I can feel Pete shaking with anger. 

Everyone gathered around me. I felt myself Pathetic. There face held supportiveness. So I decided as a Thank you they deserve the truth. 

Me- I .... I don't know how You feel about it but I feel you all deserve the truth.

Pete- Are you sure You gonna tell them about it? whatever your decision I will be there for you. And is it a good time? You already having the panic attack. I think they will understand. All are supportive except Mari they will give you time don't feel pressured.

Adrian- Panic attack?

me- They deserve the truth Pete.

 A/n:- Hi, my cupcakes.

sorry, I took long to update. But I am doing CA and b.com at a time and the portion is quite heavy. I will try to update as regularly as possible . I don't have the idea of dropping this story because many have showed their love by adding this story to their reading list. I updated weekly but hereafter I may update 2 week once. I feel bad about it but pls understand my schedule is quite tight.  

I am not rich in my real life. But the memory I am gonna share in the next chapter is true. It happened to me when I was 8 yrs old. My parents doesn't know the effect it as on me. I shared only one of my slightest worst memory to my friend Chandu and my sister josi. I don't like people pitying on me. But recently i realised many have experienced many worst memories even worser than mine. I am not ready to share my whole worst experience so i am gonna share the same slightest worst memory with you all through the flash back in next episode. 


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