It's hero life..... bro we can't avoid it

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'What she should not tell me' asked Pete.
I am busted.
Mj sighed and told that she will be downstairs along with others.
I saw Pete eyes only to see they were glaring at me.
Peter locked the door.
P- will you start talking?
I am bold and a bit of daredevil but I become like a kid whenever I get scolded by Peter. or may not went to patrolling yesterday after you all slept.
Peter raised his eyebrow.
P- And?
Me- There were small crimes here and there. There was also... Um a bastard.... Who was trying to force a girl. Well to save that girl I fought him. I promise I tried to be very careful for you but He delivered a good punch in my... My torso. Other than that I am good. After all it is what a hero's life. We must be willing to sacrifice our life before others. I came back here after that fight. Mj didn't know that and for waking me up she playfully sat on my torso. But the pain from the bruise just got me and I screamed in pain. She didn't let me explain she just saw the bruise and turned to leave to inform you. I am sorry.
By the end of my so called speech my eyes were burning. Tears were ready to spill. Me being me I holded them back. There was silence.
He didn't say anything
Me-'p-pete please say something.'
Me-Peter say something or scold me but don't ignore me please.
I broke. My tear started rolling on my cheek.
Peter sighed. He signalled me to come near him. I went near him. He pulled me in for a very needed hug.
Peter- why didn't you use your invisibility?
Me- Then every one will know I have invisibility. First I was not popular so words didn't go . After Donne forte many people know there is a super hero called drugarica. Now they will be like hawk to know my powers. Thats why.
Peter again sighed.
P- I can't really scold you as you said hero life comprise of it by why didn't you said to me or Mj that you are going to patrol?
Me-I.... It was after you guys left. I had some thoughts going on in my head and I can't able to get some sleep so I decided to go for patrol. I don't want to wake up you guys.
Peter again sighed.
P- I am proud about you saving others but I can't help myself from worrying about you. If something happens to you I will feel like I failed you from protecting you.
Me- I can totally understand Pete but I am capable of defending myself.
P- yeah you can. I know. But I can't lose you. You are my babysister.
I hugged him tight.
A knock on the door interrupted our sentimental scene.
I wiped my tears. And opened to see Alya.
A- y/n and Pete can we all go to beach?
Me- ain't Adrian got photoshoot?
A- yes, that's why he is calling all of us.
Me-  If Adrian as no problem and gets in no problem with his dad for this I am in.
P- I am too coming.
Alya was shouting that we are coming.
I quickly said I want to go to my house to take my swimsuit.
Everyone dispersed saying we will meet at the beach.

My dear drugarica (chat noir x reader )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें