Sleepover turning into a girls night

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After truth or dare for a few minutes we grew bored. We decided to watch a movie. Alya was saying we have to watch a horror movie.
Nino sat near Alya. Rose near Juleka. I was on the couch. But three boys were fighting whom going to sit next to me. Seriously......My two bro are arguing that I will be scared and they have to comfort me. I silently signalled Mj and Mari. They sat on either side of me. The boys were grumbling. But sat on another couch. Nathaniel on the middle their.
The movie started. Mari,Rose and Nino were the only one scared. They jumped each time a horror scene came. Let me tell you I won't scream if I saw a ghost but will scream only when I see a lizard. Yeah I hate those creatures. So this horror movie is nothing but a normal movie for me.
After the movie, not to brag but every one looked spooked by something except me and Mj. Even the boys. So much to comfort me. 😂
I decided to go check my jamuns. I excused myself for water and tasted a gulab jamun. Let me be honest, it was a heavenly goodness. It was so soft it easily melted in my mouth. The sugar level was very correct. And I was moaning in its taste that I didn't saw Adrian.
He looked flustered and I acted like I didn't cared and took many bowls and spoons. My face was pink and thanks to my h/c curtain. I served the gulab jamun with ice-cream and first I gave it to him and exited the kitchen to give everyone their share.
He came within a minute to the room and everyone was enjoying there treat.
Alya- Really y/n, you are damn good at cooking. Adrian is lucky.
Peter- why Adrian is lucky?
Nath- yeah. why?
Alya-uh.. uh..... He likes sweets.
Peter- o then surely he is lucky. He must taste her hot chocolate milk. Y/n can you please do it for us.
Y/n- um... S.. Sure
Mj just facepalmed. I am now red and turned to look Adrian who is also red. Does he have feelings for me.
It was 8:30 so we, I mean Alya decided we need girls time. I took my pajamas and while I went to change it Alya grabbed my hand and asked me to wear a cat noir hoodie. It was done by Mari. She has done 6 hoodie- cat noir inspired, ladybug inspired, Rena rouge inspired, carapace inspired, unicorn inspired and bunnix inspired. I decided to wear it.

When I was finished I got a sudden idea

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

When I was finished I got a sudden idea. To test two things
1. Is Adrian is cat noir.
2. Does he have feelings for me.

I decided to make hot chocolate and see Adrian's reaction in seeing me in this hoodie. After I finished my hot chocolate I poured it in cups and first gave it to the girls and started walking towards the boys room.
I knocked and waited. It was Adrian who opened the door. His jaw dropped. I blushed.

(A/n:- Treat chat noir as Adrian and Mari as yourself) Me- Adrian do you want some hot chocolate

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(A/n:- Treat chat noir as Adrian and Mari as yourself)
Me- Adrian do you want some hot chocolate.
Adrian- y-yes. Thanks.
I gave my bros and Nino there mug and went to girls room. Mj throw me a smug look. I would have gladly strangled her for that look.
At the boys room, Adrian pov:-
I excused myself to the rest room. Nino gave me a knowing look. When I closed my bathroom door, plagg floated in front of me.
Plagg- Jeez... Your heart was like any second it will come out.
Adrian- she was so cute in that cat noir hoodie plagg. I know I know I am lovesick.
Plagg- But let me tell you kid I think she likes you too. The way she looks and blushes.
Adrian- really you think plagg.
Plagg-yeah kid.
Adrian- I don't know but I am sure I am not gonna sleep tonight.
Plagg-Good night lover boy.

My dear drugarica (chat noir x reader )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن