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"This is it, folks." The cheering in the arena got louder, the music got more intense, the lighten became brighter. "The moment we've all been waiting for...the final match to determine who will be victory and champion."

"Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?" The announcer pointed to Miguel, as the cheering roared through the room.

"Will it be Robby Keene, unaffili--" the announcer got pulled to the side, before looking surprised. "Daniel LaRusso is gonna coach!"

Oh, this isn't good..

"I'm sorry, folks, there's been a change. Robby Keene will now be fighting for Miyagi-Do Karate with former champion Daniel LaRusso as his sensei!"

As Evie stayed in her place, Johnny stepped over to stand in front of Daniel LaRusso.

"What do you think you're doing?" Johnny asked with a harsh tone in his voice.

"Coaching my student – somebody needs to be there for him." Evie knew Daniel's words cut Johnny deep.

"You think this is funny?"

"Do you see me laughing?" Daniel asked rolling his sleeves up his arms.

"You're gonna regret this when it's over." Johnny warned making sure Daniel knew he meant every word.

"Yeah, right. Like this'll ever be over."

Johnny stepped back over standing beside Evie, stuck between such a difficult spot having to watch his own son fight against his student.

"You know what to do – you've trained all year for this." Johnny said to Miguel.

"Don't worry, Sensei. I won't let LaRusso or that kid go home a winner." Miguel had such a hard tone and stare in his eyes. Evie felt nervous as Miguel made his way over to the middle of the mat.

"Face me. Bow." The two boys did as told, bowing towards the referee, before turning to each other and bowing. Miguel had a dark look in his eyes.

"Fighting positions."

Evie took a deep breath, praying to herself that everything goes smoothly for both boys fighting against each other.

"And fight!"

Miguel used all his aggression into every kick, knee and punch, but Robby wasn't giving up that easy, he waited for his opportunity before kicking Miguel in the chest sending him flying back on the mat.

"Point! Keene and Miyagi-Do get the first point."

Keep it together Miguel.

Miguel knew this wasn't an easy fight, he remembered what Evie told him, wait before your opportunity to strike, keep an eye on your opponent.

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