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- C H A P T E R N I N E -

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- C H A P T E R
N I N E -


Today's lesson was in the middle of a junkyard. Johnny stood on top of an old rundown van, looking down at his students while throwing his head back and drinking the rest of his beer from the can.

"You've trained hard. You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?" Johnny asked his students.

"Yes, Sensei!" The group yelled back at Johnny with confidence they were stepping in the right direction.

"Wrong!" Johnny yelled as some of the students jumped at the sound of Johnny's booming voice and with the chuck of his beer can in their direction, left them feeling worried about what Johnny had planned. " Your best ain't shit! If you want to win the All-Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst."

"Please tell me his worst.. won't kill us.." Evie didn't know what to tell the group. Johnny was very unpredictable, he came up with his plans at the last second.

"I'm sure this is truly going to get you ready for the karate tournament." Evie said patting a student on the back while hiding her own worries for what the students were going to be put through.

"Are you losers?" Johnny asked.

"No, Sensei!"

"Are you nerds?"

"No, Sensei!"

"Are you sure?"

"No, Sensei!" Johnny groaned at the students confusion, while throwing his hands to his head.

Johnny had the students run a course, which included stepping through old car tires to get their legs moving faster and quicker.

"Move those feet, go, go, go!" Johnny yelled clapping his hands to push the students to move through the tires smoother and without fear of tripping and hitting the ground.

"Your enemies are all around you. Destroy them!" Johnny instructed while letting the students show their aggression on the beat-up cars surrounding the junkyard.

"Please be careful when shattering the windows.." Evie's motherly instinct kicked in and hoped that she wouldn't have to take kids to the emergency room with cuts from flying glass.

"Let's go, Squirt, good job, buddy." Johnny praised his student for moving through the course at his preferred pace.

Eli ran past with his hand in the air as Evie slapped hers against his as he smiled with triumph and confidence.

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