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"Feeling good, looking unbelievable.. if I do say so myself." Evie said as she looked badass in the same black gi Johnny wears, but she made it look unbelievably sexy.

"Maybe you shouldn't wear that." Johnny said his eyes running down Evie's body. "Might be distracting for the students that's all."

"Might be distracting for them.. or you?" Evie said patting Johnny's shoulder as they headed into the crowded dojo.

Evie stood by Johnny, scanning the room and spotting Millie who was standing by Aisha who was practicing her quick movements on Miguel.

Johnny cleared his throat as the room was filled with chatter. "Today, we begin..."

Nobody was paying attention to Johnny. "Quiet! Face front!"

All the students jumped at Johnny's loud voice. Evie silently apologised to a few students that looked worried as Johnny began to walk in between the students.

"Nice shirt." Johnny said to a tall kid wearing a green shirt and it had the symbol for Pi on it.

"Thanks." The kid looked down at his choice of clothing.

"I'm joking, it sucks." Johnny said knocking the smile off the kids face.

"Johnny.. warm welcoming remember." Evie said patting the kid on the shoulder. "I for one actually really like his shirt."

"Of course you do." Johnny said rolling his eyes.

"Don't take what he says to heart." Evie said before she moved back to the front of the class.

"Word of advice, if you've got shit for teeth.. don't smile." Johnny told a kid with long hair. Evie looked at Miguel who just shrugged while shaking his head.

"My god.. makes me feel like a virgin just looking at you." Johnny said.

"Johnny I think they get it." Evie said as Johnny made his way to the front.

"When I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material.. I see losers.. I see nerds. I see a fat kid with a funny hat with his tits popping out." Johnny said.

"Okay, thank you Johnny for describing everyone you see, let's just start the lesson, shall we?" Evie said clapping her hands.

"But my short time as a sensei .. I've also seen some miracles, so maybe there's some hope for you yet." Johnny said. "First I need to see where your at, fall in!"

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