18: Livin in a lonely world

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How did a small town girl like me get so lucky?

To have my very own fairy godmother, a giant mansion, my own pack. Hell, My Mate is a Greek God™ for god's sake. Tall, broad, delicious. A sexy chiseled mountain of a man... that's all mine.

Of course, some things could be better...

But with my wish, I'm sure I'll be able to fix a bump in the many that I've acquired on the road to greatness.

And then, from there forth, I'll never lose sight of the good things, of all the many blessings that have been bestowed to me.

That God has bestowed.

That's right, folks. You might even say I'm a born again believer.

The fairy floats above my shoulder. "What is it that you'll wish for?"

I continue to stroll back to the mansion, tucking Brenda securely into a slanted pocket curved around my hip. "Ah, this is a test right? one of those things when I tell you my wish, it won't come true anymore?"

The fairy gasps and whisks to the front of my face, their forehead creased and cheeks puffed with anger. "God no! You think me a mere shooting star?! A limp birthday candle?! A frail dandelion?! Hm?!"

I'm frozen in place. This once baby angel from heaven with the freshly powdered bum and all now looks as if it could sprout devilish horns at any second.

Shit, is that steam coming out its nostrils?

Wait, it has nostrils? Fascinating.

They cross their nubs with an exasperated sigh. "Hmph, silly girl. As your fairy godmother, it is also my duty to provide you council for such a big decision."

I shoo the small demon away like a pesky gnat. "I already know what I want to wish for so no need."

Good thing this thing can't detect lies, cause I have no idea what I want to wish for. Yet.

Oh, I sure have a couple ideas, Wolfinia wags, bloodthirstily.

I frown.

The fairy tails after me as I quicken my last few strides to the mansion. "Do you? Are you sure? I sense some uncertainty in your mind."

I snatch the flying nuisance out of the air, "YOU CAN READ MINDS?! YOU DISGUSTING PERVERT—!"

Kill this son of a b*tch!

"No, goodness, quiet down!" The fairy wiggles out of my hold with a squeak. "Dearest, I simply mean to say that I can tell by your micro expressions and actions just how uneasy you are."


"The top left corner of your upper lip switches three times every time you get lost in deep thought, the golden flecks in your orbs seem to scatter the longer you keep them unfocused, the dead skin around your nail beds have been recently chewed away..."

The fairy drapes one of my loose face framing tendrils over its nub, "These strands of hair cling together like blades of grass because you drenched them with your own saliva and pulled them through your teeth—"

"Stay-stay back!" I pull away, mortified— violated. A sudden need rattles deep within my bones to shed my sorry flesh again and again until all I am is a naked, slimy, raw sack of meat becoming one with the earth.

I slap my cheeks in an attempt to dissipate the bright red embarrassment.

You Idiot! You just made your ugly mug even more ugly Wolfinia mutters, tomato.

The fairy clears its throat, proudly hovering once again inches away from my scowl. "So, you see, I am very proficient. In many things."

"Listen here!" I jab a finger into their shoulder, "I. don't. care! I hardly trusted you from the beginning, pal, and now even less." I shift further away from the adorable abomination, my arms folded, "In fact, now you even terrify me."

"Ah... I see." The fairy's glow dims and their purple hood falls further down their face as they slump to the ground. "It must be this form that strikes fear in your feeble heart."

Then, as if a lightbulb blinked above their head, they rise back up, raising their nub in the air. "I'll remedy this!"



Sparkles entangled in an iridescent mist tornadoes around the fairy, pulling leaves into its orbit and ripping petals from flowers.

I hack glitter and shield my teary orbs as a pungent scent of bubblegum rainbow gumdrops morphs into... something else.

A musk...

The primal, unadulterated musk of divine masculinity.

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