12: Spookier night

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Who is this man? He could pass as a real vampire with looks this stunning and a costume this impressive, Brenda thought.

Wavy, bleach blonde locks that parted straight down the middle. Gold trim decorating the sharp hems of his wine colored velvet cloak. The whites of his orbs as dark as black licorice. This was clearly a man dedicated to Brenda's favorite holiday, and that was the ultimate turn on.

Blush hinted at Brenda's cheeks as she caught herself marveling at his twinkling fangs that pressed lightly into his pouty bottom lip.

Brenda gulped, then tilted her head, twirling a strand of hair. "Thanks. What's your name?"

Beads of sweat threatened to expose themself through the man's generously powdered forehead. He clenched his chiseled jaw and pulled at the tight collar of his peeking white, ruffled blouse. "I-uh my-my name is Chad McDrac-," he smacked his forehead, leaving a stark handprint, "I-I mean, uh, Jefferson!"

Chad initiated a handshake, and Brenda obliged. She daintily took his grasp and gazed into his orbs, catching her breath as butterflies swarmed in her stomach.

Afterwards, she felt something sticky slicked onto her hand.

Chad, noticing Brenda clasping and unclasping her hand, brought his own to the front of his face, and realized the consequence of his anxiety and rash impulse. The makeup his palm had collected from the impact with his forehead had turned into a disgusting cream through sweat and friction. He then glanced back at Brenda's hand, and digested that terrible realization, too.

"I- my bad. I gotta dip. But- oh, uh, take this," Chad said, before hastily reaching into his cloak and handing Brenda an elegant white handkerchief.

Brenda graciously accepted it. "Oh, um, thank you," but by the time her orbs drew back up from the cloth, Chad had seemingly vanished. Sparkles sifted through the air in his absence. "Hm, how strange."

Brenda wiped off her hand while studying the gift from Chad closer. She noticed it wasn't an ordinary handkerchief, it was made of silk. Her thumbs gleefully ran along the smooth material until she felt ridged stitching. A small emblem in golden and red thread was embroidered on the silk, depicting a gold crown and fangs, both dripping in blood.

This must be some kind of odd family heirloom, she thought, maybe he's a notable man. He probably didn't mean to give this to me, I should return this!

Brenda outstretched an elongated leg as she prepared to stride— but stopped herself. She furrowed her well defined orb-brows, recalling something curious.

She hadn't fully grasped it in the moment, but she swore Chad's inky  orbs had flashed a striking steely grey for a fleeting moment when they shook hands. 

Was he... a real vampire? No, impossible, Brenda thought. She had to meet this Chad once more.

Brenda darted around the mansion, her heart skipping a beat every time she spotted someone in vampiric attire. Spooky teenagers all around her guzzled down booze and rocked their rips to the blaring metal music. Brenda shoved past them, picking up handfuls of candy and shoving it into her mouth with every bowl she passed.

"This party sucks, smells like actual dog in here. I'm out," Lydia's rival, Skylar Popson, announced, slurring her words. Skylar was meant to be Frankenstein, Brenda assumed.

A few smudged stitches on her face done with black eyeliner, a skin-tight black Forever 21 dress cut up around her cleavage, and a clip-on white streak of hair wasn't all that convincing, though.

"Skylar, wait! I can explain!" A shirtless man with a glistening eight pack yelled chasing after her.

Brenda wished the man's face wasn't concealed by a Scream mask, so she could further drink in his beauty. Brenda could forgive this man's lack of costuming, but only because of his overwhelming hotness.

Brenda shook her head, and focused back on her hunt.

With so many rooms, locked doors and crossing paths, Brenda didn't know where to check next. A flickering crystal chandelier at the end of a grandiose hallway caught her attention, and she decided to follow it.

The atmosphere became colder with every lingering careful step. An echoing howl set off in the distance. The full moon's light cast hazy shadows through a window. Brenda peeked past the drapes, and shivered at the sight of condensed trees swaying in the wind.

Brenda whipped around. A shriek, followed by a hiss and a low, wet, grumbling rattled the mahogany floors. What kind of beast could this be? Brenda wondered, clutching herself.

Brenda gasped. A door on the left flew open and a suffocating stench followed. Brenda backed away and pinched her nose, blinking away tears from her stinging orbs.

A skinny guy clothed in a bed sheet with large cutout orb holes walked out. He noticed Brenda staring, "Oh, the bathroom's open now, I finally got it to flush. And sorry in advance," the crude ghost patted his belly, "liquor and candy don't mix well."

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