16: Fairy Gotchu

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How dare he make such a demand.

When I, his small, gentle Luna, is the one who has kept this measly pack strong when he's completely crumbled.


Let's calm down, Lydia.

Here's what we'll say: Yes, of course! Alpha King God Beast, my beautiful, perfect, competent mate and pack leader! Of course I will refer to you by your magnificent title! By the way, were you trying to make out just a second ago? Or was that just my wild, silly little imagination?

I remove his hand from my face, rest my other hand atop his, and slice through his sultry gaze. "... No, babe. I don't think I will."

My plan— my glorious plan, but my pride, my stupid pride.

Brett yanks away from my grasp and puts a hand on his hip, flexing his bulging bicep and slightly wrinkling the hem of his rhubarb colored T-shirt. "You wish to disrespect me?" His orbs darken red as he towers over me, "In my own territory?"

"I want you to lead!" I gulp, clenching my hands into fists at my sides. "For the past three days you've done nothing but mope around. And now you even weep at my friend's bedside," I motion towards Brenda's room, "who you don't even know!"

"You know nothing." Brett crosses his arms and turns his head. "I'm well aware of Brenda The Brave. I am the sole sworn protector of her and her son." He faces me again and sneers, "Psh, I probably know her even better than you."

An inhuman, primordial growl rumbles in the chamber of my throat and pushes from my belly.

Brett responds with a ferocious growl of his own, bending down to my level. With our heads butt together, our orbs take turn flashing red as we try to out growl one another.

"Stop fighting!" Todd says, appearing suddenly outside of Brenda's room. He sniffles, "Listen guys, I may be a crybaby as of late. I may be hungry. My fortnite KD may be at an all time low. But I won't give up on mom."

Todd drags the backside of his hand underneath his nose, collecting the mixture of crusted and fresh snot there. "We, together, have to stay focused on fixing mom. We can't be fighting with each other, we're her only hope."

Brett backs away with a sigh. "It's true. I've been acting self pitifully as of late." He joins Todd's side and pats his shoulder. "I'm proud of you boy. You're an inspiration to me."

Todd's face lights up, his orbs twinkle. "Really?"

"Really." Brett smiles, "You're as brave and awesome as any Alpha."

They fist bump each other, smirks on both their faces.

What is this feeling? Anger? No. Frustration. Sadness. But why would I feel this way watching my mate and my godson getting along?

I stomp past the oblivious Brett and Todd and pop into the hospital room. After carefully unplugging Brenda from the machines, I take her into my arms. "... I'm going to take Brenda for some fresh air," I announce, now standing right behind them.

Brett and Todd, far too immersed in their deeply riveting conversation about Rick & Morty don't bother to respond. Or perhaps they didn't even notice I was there at all.

How... hurtful.

I scoff, turn my heel, and make way to the stained glass back door to the elegant rustic back porch. The air is moist and chill. Dark grey clouds cluster and split apart like cotton candy in the distance. I step off the porch and stroll through the garden, breathing in the sweet smell. My fingertips gently graze atop the aray of flowers.

This is nice. This is what I want everyday to feel like— like a calm before a storm.

To my surprise, I come upon a quaint little cedar gazebo. I plop Brenda down on a small table and pull a woven chair out for myself. It squeaks as I sink into it.

I sigh, starring at my bobbing knee. My gaze lifts back up to Brenda as I chew my bottom lip and twiddle my thumbs. "Brenda... I think everyone hates me. My mate hates me. Our classmates hated me. The pack hates me. My likes on social media have plummeted. Hell, even Todd, my own godson, likes Brett better than me. My biggest enemy escaped me. And you..." I lean an elbow on the table and scratch my head, "you're... like this. But it bothers me still, the secrets you kept from me."

My orbs well with tears, and I fixate on the ceiling for a moment in an attempt to stop them from falling. It's too late— the flood gates have opened. "You're supposed to be my bestest friend, ya know? I'm supposed to know you better than anyone and yet, I just can't figure it out. Was it that you knew all along about Chad's nature? Were you... protecting him?"

Sticky dried tear trails begin to split apart on my cheeks the more contorted my face becomes. "Just why? How- how could you hurt me like this?" I slam a fist on the table, "Say something, goddamnit!"

Just like before, no response. I'm ignored. This time, however, It hurts less. Knowing that Brenda is just a comatose garlic now, unable to respond even if she wanted to. My best friend is a garlic. I'm talking to a garlic. I'm venting to a vegetable.

Uncontrollable laughter suddenly erupts from inside of me. A tight smile and a symphony of snorts and wheezes. Is this what it feels like to finally lose your mind? I'm too young to lose my sanity.

I regain my composure and wipe away the remaining sticky tears from under my orbs.

I rise from the chair. "Well, I suppose it doesn't really matter now, because I will find happiness. Mine and Brett's love will blossom once more. I'll make Chad regret his life. Everything will be fine." I step off from the gazebo and raise my arms it the air, lifting my face towards the sky. "Because I, Lydia Liv, the Rogue werewolf and Queen Luna, wish for these things more than anything in the entire world!"

A pastel rainbow of glittering colors swirl past me with a sickeningly sweet scent of birthday cake and cinnamon roll.

"That's right... because I got you," A grovely high pitched voice says from behind me.

Right behind me?!

I whip my head around to the small cloaked creature lounged out in the woven chair. "Who the hell are you?!"

The creature pulls back their sparkling purple hood. "Your Fairy God Mother, Hun, duh."

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