Chapter 77: Growing up

Start from the beginning

After Lia stopped crying, she continued working with Maggie. Maggie taught her a technique of hers, which Lia was grateful for since surgery distracted her from thinking about the baby girl. After the surgery, Lia left the OR and headed towards the nurses station. She found Andrew there and ignoring not showing PDA rule of theirs she gave him a hug. Andrew immediately wrapped his arms around her and he asked "What's wrong love?" Lia shook her head and said "Nothing! I—" Andrew interrupted saying "Do you want to check on the baby?" Lia nodded and they began going to her room. When they got there, her stuff was packed and she was nowhere to be seen. Lia immediately panicked and said "Oh my god..." Andrew looked at his girlfriend and said "I guess they found her a foster family...." Lia shook her head and kept repeating "No... no..... no....." Andrew looked at Lia and realized she was about to break down. He knew she was getting attached but didn't realized she was already in too deep. She was about the break down when Elizabeth entered the room with the baby girl. Lia's sad state turned into a happy one when she saw the baby. The baby immediately reached out to her and Elizabeth passed her to Lia. Elizabeth smiled and said "The state has named her Morgan...." Andrew said "Morgan?" He looked at her and said "It's perfect...." Elizabeth looked at both of them and said "We also found a foster family for her...." Lia and Andrew froze in their places and Lia said "W-Who will be fostering Morgan?" Elizabeth looked at both of them saying "Well I'm hoping it would be you two...." Their eyes immediately widened and Andrew said "I-does the board know?" Elizabeth nodded and said "The board approved of my assessment of course if you wish to foster her." Andrew looked at Lia and said "Well?" Lia looked at him and then at Morgan before saying "Andy if you want to this then I want to this... I don't want to force you into anything..." Andrew began nodding his head quickly to keep the tears from falling. Tears streamed from Lia's face and Elizabeth said "All the materials you'll need will be here shortly and I will bring you her discharge papers. Congrats you too!" Elizabeth left the room and Andrew immediately wrapped his arms around Lia and Morgan. The three of them shared a hug as they waited for the supplies to arrive.

When the supplies arrived, Andrew placed the supplies in the empty stroller and Lia held Morgan. After placing the supplies in the stroller, they both exited the patient room and began walking to the elevator. When they got out of the elevator, they saw Derek, Meredith, Cristina, Alex and Jo waiting for them. They smiled when they saw them with Morgan. Meredith immediately began to cuddle the baby stealing her from Lia, while she watched her mother. Derek looked at Andrew and said "DeLuca were going to drive behind you. We're going to help you two baby proof the place and build the crib." Andrew nodded and said "Perfect... I just did not expect us to be chosen to foster little Morgan here." Cristina said "I'll drive Lia's car along with the girls. The boys can go in DeLuca's car." They all nodded and Lia said "Give us the baby supplies you guys take the crib and baby proofing materials." Andrew nodded and Jo took the stroller, while Meredith held the car seat. Lia held Morgan as they began heading to the car. When they got to the car, they began heading home. When they got home, Kara, Joey, Amy, Andrea and Nick were waiting for them.

They got inside and began to work. Lia, Amy and Kara sat in the couch, while Nick, Joey, Ivy and Andrea helped with baby proofing the house and assembling the crib. Jackson had brought his old car seat he used for Harriet that he gave to Andrew for his car. Lia was in the couch with Kara and Amy who were fussing over Morgan. Morgan was looking curiously at her surroundings but she was comfortable in Lia's arms. Kara smiled at her saying "She is absolutely the cutest thing...." Amy nodded and said "She is god I can't believe the social worker chose you two to foster her." Lia smiled and said "I know! It's unbelievable!" Morgan began to cry and Lia said "She needs milk." Amy said "I'll get it! I need to practice!" Lia nodded and said "15 seconds!" Amy nodded and said "Got it!" Amy left leaving Lia and Kara alone.

When they were alone, Kara said "Lia why are you doing this?" Lia looked at her confused and said "What do you mean?" Kara said "Your making it a lot harder to say goodbye to her when they choose the couple to adopt her." Lia said "I—" Kara sighed and said "Aren't you afraid to get too attached?" Lia looked down at Morgan. Morgan was staring at her with a face of curiosity but admiration. She reached her tiny little arms to her face. She began touching Lia's face as she said "Kara... I'm already in too deep.... My world was shattering when I found out she was being fostered by someone..... So my feelings are bound to get hurt either way." Kara sighed and said "Lia....." Lia interrupted saying "It's fine Kara.... I got a chance to be with her that's enough...." Kara said "Ce—" Lia said "I have to change her diaper..." Lia stood up with Morgan leaving Kara alone. Amy returned with the bottle and said "Where's Lia and Morgan?" Kara sighed and said "She's changing Morgan's diaper...." Amy looked at Kara and said "You look worried....." Kara nodded confirming her suspicion and said "Amy... she is attached to Morgan and it's going to hurt her.... This is going to affect her negatively and she's aware of it." Amy sighed and said "We can only hope it doesn't....." After their conversation, Lia returned with Morgan and gave her the milk. After baby proofing and building the crib, Lia placed Morgan inside to let her sleep. Lia and Andrew both thanked everyone for helping and they all left except Meredith and Derek. Meredith was in the kitchen with Lia cleaning up the dinner plates they all used, while Derek said "How are you feeling?" Andrew looked at Derek and said "I'm afraid that I'm going to mess this up..." Derek looked at him and said "DeLuca you're a great uncle to Adriana.... Your also a devoted boyfriend to my daughter and a kind hearted brother to Zola, Bailey and Ellis... I know you can foster this baby and do it well... There's going to be hard times, but every parental figure goes through those challenges. You can call me if you need anything I've done it 4 times and each of them was different...." Andrew smiled and said "Thank you Derek..." Derek smiled and said "No problem Andrew..." Meredith and Lia got out of the kitchen and Meredith said "Derek let's get going...." Derek nodded and they both exchanged their goodbyes with Lia and Andrew as they began heading home.

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