Chapter 46: When lies catch up to you.

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I was in trauma today, it was a slow day... which I probably shouldn't say out loud since there could be an incoming trauma coming in. I heard Helm say "Damn this is a slow day..." I looked at her and then heard Dr. Kepner said "Incoming trauma....." I said "Nice one Helm...." Helm groaned and we followed Dr. Kepner as  she headed to the trauma bay. We heard the ambulance coming. The paramedic parked and got off saying "26 year old man suffering from a fall to the head and penetrating wound in the ankle" Dr. Kepner watched the man be rolled out and I froze. To my horror, I saw Malachi being wheeled in and I said "This is Malachi Olsen!" Dr. Kepner said "Who?" I said "Someone I met during my trip..." Dr. Kepner said "Alright page Ortho and Neuro!!!!" Helm nodded and went to page them, April turned to me and said "Lia call his wife or family if he has one" I nodded and said "I'll call his fiancé Levi..." April nodded and wheeled him inside. I took out my phone and began calling Levi. The phone rang for a few until I heard his voice saying "Hey doll... how are you?" I said "I'm good.... But you need to get to Grey-Sloan now?" Levi said "Why? Do you need sex advice..." I let his comment slide and said "Levi.... It's Malachi..." Levi stayed quiet for a moment and said "Is he hurt?" I said "I'll tell you more when you get here...." Levi ended the call and I sighed. I went to the trauma room 1 where I found my dad examining Levi and Aunt Callie examining his wound. Dr. Kepner said "Lia your not scrubbing in...." Aunt Callie looked at Aunt April and said "Why not Kepner! I could use the extra hands!" Dr. Kepner said "Use Helm... Lia your off this case.... You know this person... tell me is his fiancé on the way?" I nodded and said "Yeah Levi is on his way...." Dr. Kepner nodded and we heard a groan in pain. I immediately went towards him and said "Malachi.... calm down you were in an accident..." April said "Give him some morphine!" I saw him move like crazy cause of the pain as they got the morphine. Callie said "I think we might have to restrain him!" I took his hand and said "Malachi.... I'm here please calm down... it's your friend Lia...." His head turn to look at me, I saw his eyes wide opened; he looked like he was in so much pain. He stopped moving and he calmed down. Callie said "Lia we need to get him to the OR" I said "Can I just stay with him until they put him under" Dad said "I don't see why we can't do that..." We began moving him to the OR. When we got to the OR and they went to scrub while I stayed with the anesthesiologist and with Malachi. I held his hand and said "Your going to be fine.... I'll see you when you wake up..." Malachi coughed and said in a strained voice "S-S-Stay w-with L-L-Lev....." I nodded and the anesthesiologist placed the mask on placing him to sleep. I let go off his hand and left him in the OR.

After leaving the OR, I headed to Andrew's office. I knocked on the door and heard him say "Come in!" I opened and saw him in his desk and Aunt Jo sitting in the couch. Andrew smiled and said "Hey...." I said "Hey....." Aunt Jo said "Do I need to leave you two alone?" I shook my head and sat next to her. Andrew said "Aren't you suppose to be in trauma?" I said "Yeah but the only patient I had today is a friend of mine and I can't scrub in..." Andrew said "God I'm sorry who is it?" Jo said "Yeah I'm sorry Lia... who is it?" I said "It's one of the friends Andrew and I met in our trip to Paris...." Andrew's eyes widen and he said "What happened to Malachi or Levi?!" I said "Malachi had a fall and has a brain bleed and a penetrating wound in his ankle" Andrew sighed and said "Damn....." Aunt Jo said "I'm sorry you guys... Umm don't think about anything sad...." To try and change the subject she said "What else did you guys do in Paris?" Andrew said "I pretty much told you everything Jo...." Aunt Jo looked at both of us and she said "So your telling me that in a week you two were alone and didn't fuck each other?!" I said "Oh yeah of course we had sex" Aunt Jo said "Alright... I was about to call you guys a weird couple..." We laughed, but we heard someone knocking and Mom entered saying "There you are, I was looking for you everywhere a nurse saw you enter here so I came looking for you." I said "Yeah...." Mom sat next to me and said "I'm sorry about your friend...." I said "It's fine mom....did you check the gallery?" Mom nodded and said "Everything is running smoothly.... Also I came looking for you because his fiancé is in the waiting room..." I nodded and stood up saying "I'm going to give him company... Thank you Dr. DeLuca and Aunt Jo for a lovely conversation" Andrew said "Your welcome Dr. Grey-Shepherd hope your friend feels better soon" I smiled and left his office. I began making my way to the waiting room to see how Levi is holding up.

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