Chapter 70: Fields' Torment

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Third person POV

The door had been slammed shut as Lia immediately broke into a sob. How did a blissful evening turned into this?! Her heart was shattering into pieces as she could imagine the thoughts running through her boyfriend's head. He probably thought that she was a dirty whore who couldn't even last 5 months without sex. She had to find out what the hell that voicemail said that led him to think that she was capable of such things. Lia immediately turned on the voicemail and listen to it.

Meanwhile in Jo's and Alex's house, Jo had finally calmed Andrew down so he could explain. Alex spoke first and said "Andrew you have to calm down. Cecilia cheating on you is an extreme allegation what happened?" Andrew sighed and said "After showering, I went downstairs to make some f-food... I was— I don't even know in the kitchen and h-her phone sounded then I saw it was a call from C-Carter" When Andrew's voice broke while saying his name, Meredith sighed and said "Andrew I know you probably don't want to hear anything from me but you need to take a deep breath and keep explaining so we could understand what happened...." Andrew nodded and began taking deep breaths as he continued saying "I didn't answer because I didn't want to invade her privacy, but a few minutes later her phone automatically played the voicemail h-he l-left. He was thanking her for keeping something secret from everyone even h-his sister." Derek said "A secret could be anything....." Andrew sighed and said "I have many conspiracies in my head but when I asked her about the secret. She got defensive and asked why I was invading her privacy. When I asked her what this secret was she said she couldn't tell me. She kept repeating she didn't cheat but if she didn't cheat then why couldn't she tell me what's going on..." Jo sighed and said "It sounds suspicious....." Andrew sighed and said "That's why I thought and I told her that...." Andrew took a deep breath and said "Then I gave her one more chance to explain but she said she couldn't and that's when I left....." Alex sighed and said "You never got a confirmation that she cheated...." Derek said "Yeah Andrew, I think you two should talk and see if Lia explains what's happening...." Meredith looked at them before saying "I know she's my daughter but Andrew your family.... Early today she was talking to Kara about something and he suddenly came up in the conversation. Kara thought she had cheated but she denied everything and when she asked what it was Lia wouldn't tell her. I asked her myself and she wouldn't either." Alex said "Oh god.... She actually might have cheated....." Derek said "Lia would never do such thing!" Meredith said "Derek I know she's our daughter but we can't be biased...." As Derek was about to say something Jo said "Enough!" The four of them payed attention to Jo as she began saying "We don't know what happened.... Andrew you need to talk to Lia only she knows the truth.... However, you can't go to her like this. If you go now you might throw away the 6 years you two have been together so I proposed while we all calm down we watch TV..." All of them agreed to Jo's proposal and she turned on ABC. They all got into the couch and began watching the show on TV. Andrew laid his head in Jo's shoulder and she rubbed his hand soothingly. She was afraid because her best friend was in pain and if her husband's goddaughter actually cheated on him she had no idea what she would do. She tried to distract all those thoughts and payed attention to the tv.

Meanwhile at Andrew's house, Lia was pacing back and forth trying to get her thoughts straight. Lia knew that she made a promise to Carter about keeping his condition a secret. However, if she didn't tell Andrew the truth and let him believe that she cheated on him then her relationship is gone. She would be breaking Doctor & Patient confidentiality if she tells him, but Carter wants her to settle down and be happy. Her train of thought was interrupted by her phone sounding. She thought it was Andrew, but we she saw the caller ID she saw it was Chloe Hamilton. She sighed deeply and calmed herself before answering the phone.

In Jo's and Alex's house, Andrew was still in the same position in the couch. Jo looked at him and asked "Andrew were you able to eat dinner?" Andrew shook his head and Jo sighed saying "I'll make you some dinner.... Alex can you help me?" Alex nodded as he stood up and followed his wife to the kitchen. The Iiving room was left in complete silence. Meredith and Derek are at a lost of words. They never thought they would be in the middle of this situation. Andrew was their best friend and practically their son. However, their daughter could have cheated on him. They knew that if their daughter did such thing it was wrong and they couldn't justify her actions. Andrew sat staring at the screen in front of him and Meredith began saying "Andrew.... Are you okay?" Andrew said "I'm not, I'm trying to be since I want to believe that's this is just all a misunderstanding and Lia didn't do this....." Derek looked at Meredith and Andrew continued saying "If she wasn't in love with me then why would she act the way she's acted with me.... She's always happy to see me, I can see it in her eyes and wide smile.... How can someone fake something like that...." Derek sighed and said "Andrew I've seen the love you two share.... I don't think Cecilia would ever jeopardize that......" Andrew nodded agreeing, but Meredith didn't know what to believe at this point. Andrew stopped talking all together and payed attention to the TV again. However, Jo began saying "Andrew I prepared dinner....." Andrew nodded and began to stand up. He began making his way into the kitchen to eat the dinner Jo had prepared for him. Even though he felt no hunger, he knew his friend would not take no for an answer.

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