Half a stack of chapters

288 11 26


POV: Grian 

"Well, you see..." I say, trailing off. Again. Luckily for me, the awkward silence is interrupted by Pearl. Unluckily for me, the words she uses are "So you never did tell me what rank you are." Shit. The author's already using swear words. But they're gonna ask questions. Questions I can't answer. 

"Rank of what?" Xisuma asks, shaking me out of my trance. "Oh! He didn't tell you?" Pearl asks. "Pearl no-" I try, too late. "Admin." This is fallowed by a stunned silence. Again. 

"You- your an Admin?" Mumbo asks, shocked. "Yea! Why didn't you tell me?! Why didn't Pearl tell me?! We where there together for a whole year!" Xanthus questions me. "Ummm..." Xisuma narrows his eyes, grabs me, Xan, Mumbo and Pearl by the arm, or rather, shoves the others out of the room, closing the doors behind them, leaving only me, him, Mumbo, Xan, and Pearl. 

"Ok. Spill." Xisuma says. I smirk, saying "Mumbo, you go first." Said Brit gulps, not liking the attention, but starts talking. 

"So me and Grian have been friends since pre-k, and one day, when we were six, he was suspicious and acted like we wouldn't see each other ever again. He was teary eyed and everything. So he leaves to go back home, and I don't see him again. A couple years later, me and my family move to Munchester and i become friends with you. Then Grian shows up again, acting suspicious, and like he had ptsd, and I'm like TF!? So I start snooping but all I get are small things like how he always eats a lot as if he doesn't know where his next meal will come from. Not to mention his apparent amnesia. And then that one time in OND when I swear I saw him and Prime Admin Yalli step through a golden portal together, but no one else remembers. And then the awkwardness at the meeting, and how all the ptsd things are gone now, and yea..." 

"Evan." Xisuma calls. "Well..." he trails off, looking at me. I subtly shake my head, and he speaks. "Well, me and Grian and Pearl were-" At that moment he's cut off by none other than Pearl herself. "We were at the Acad-" And at that moment she's cut off by me. "Here, I'll just tell you." 

"So the day I left my parents died, then I was taken to Admin HQ, defeated the devil, rescued Hels, got him adopted by Wels' family, returned, created a robot me because I was sick, made a small server of nine people, summoned a tenth person with poppies, time traveled, a lot, solved some mysteries, tried to elect someone else as mayor without his knowledge, failed, joined the mafia- or did I create it- defeated the Enderdragon, got kidnapped, lost my memories, met Xanthus and re-met Pearl as she was on the server I started, figured out multiple conspiracies, escaped, went back to my hometown without knowing, enrolled in high school, almost died, ran away to Munchester, was made to go to school by the go to school police, re-met Mumbo, met y'all, had a few panic attacks, got summoned back to Admin HQ, returned, went to the meeting, missed the meeting, stayed at HQ with y'all, intentionally failed at PvP,  practiced PvP with Xisuma at night, fought the Watchers, ended up here, y'all found out I can see in the dark, y'all found out I can read galactic, my magic disappeared, i fought a watcher, realized the watcher was Pearl, Pearl spilled some secrets, Xisuma shoved the others out of here, we talked, Pearl almost spilled my secrets again, Mumbo tried to explain, I explained this, and Hels woke up just in time to hear my explanation." 

"Damn, your good at that." Hels says, rubbing his head. 

I wink. "My middle name is Damnimgoodatthat." I joke. "Good at what?" The ever oblivious Mumbo asks. "Knowing what's happening when there is no way of knowing." Me, Xan, Hels and Pearl say in unison. 

### POV change: Impulse(new pov! :D)

"I'm sooooooo bored!" I groan, joking. Tango opens his mouth to respond but is cut off by rambunctious laughter. At this point, False, who has been tense since Hels went down the ladder, and Mumbo, who is always tense, rush into the room, me on their heels.

When we enter the room, the seen in front of me makes me laugh to. On the floor is Hels, rubbing his head gingerly and smiling like a madman. Behind him and too the left is Grian, with a wacky grin. Next to him is EX, also grining. Directly behind Hels is a girl with a silver hoodie, blue jeans, blue eyes, light hair, odd purple lines on her cheeks, and a Watcher robe that's just barely managed to stay on, also smiling ear to ear. To the girl's right is Xisuma, fallowed by Mumbo, both with equally surprised and stunned expressions. 

All in all, a strange sight to see. 

"So Grian here was just telling us his life story. Let's just say, it sounds like something straight out of a fanfic." Xisuma says before muttering "what's a fanfic?" Under his breath. 

"Well, the author doesn't know how to continue this chapter, so that'll be all folks!" Grian says just before time freezes. 

###POV change: third person 

"Grian, it's fine for the others to break Bob, but come on, you? At least the others don't know their doing it." A voice says. "Geese, at least tell the Readers that Bob is the forth wall! Otherwise they'll be confused for a month! Your time!" Grian replies huffily. "Yea. Don't call me Lilly. That's dead naming." Bob replies. "Bob's trans." The voice says for the reader's benefit. "AFAB, like me." 

"L! L! L! READ TO ME! READ TO ME!" A higher pitched voice says, very loudly. "Em, what did I tell you about letting me write?" The voice responds. "Don't bother you while your writing or you won't read to me for a week." Em says, bored. "Right. Now leave me, Bob and Grain in peace." 

The sound of footsteps fading away and a door closing could be heard. If, that is, a certain Pesky Birb wasn't shouting "GrAiN!? WHo iS tHiS GrAIn ChARacTeR!?" At the top of his lungs. 

1055 words. Yep. I personified the 4th wall. His name is Bob. I added my sister, 'Em'(it's not her real name tho). And I used a reference. 10/10.

HIATUS|| Schooled- a Hermitcraft high school AU(with watchers and stuff)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat