18 - Mindscape

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Art Drawn By Me! Sorry this update took a while.

Unit 001 speaking: "It will look like this..."

Unit 001 thinking: It will look like this.

Others who are NOT Unit 001 thinking: 'It will look like this.'

Unit 001's mainframe/AI: [It will look like this.]

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Kioku had Unit 001 rest on the bed, just like before. Aizawa, Naomasa, Toshinori, and Dr. Silvan were sitting in the same chairs they had previously as well. The android had been quiet and calm, cooperating as well as he could. But they could tell at a glance that he was scared, if his small trembles and misty, whirling eyes were anything to go by.

"No damage...?" This situation was foreign to him, they were foreign to him, they knew this. It would take a long time to truly rectify the emotional damage those villains instilled in him.

Bakugou and Eri were lucky. If Unit 001's trust was a small island, they had managed to make a bridge from themselves to him. Though it was still fragile, it was there, and it was getting stronger through their efforts and shared experiences.

As for everyone else, they were stuck behind a firm wall of doubt. While the day had proven that they were different from the villains he'd been stuck with, they were still strangers he did not know and could not relate to.

While he'd given these five adults a bit of his trust, it was hardly something to write home about. If Bakugou and Eri were walking on a bridge, they were walking on a rope. That's it. That's all it was.

"Yes, dear. You won't feel a thing." Kioku reassures, "It will be like watching a movie!"

"...What is a "movie"?"

"Oh, dear... Well, we will surely remedy that once this is over!" She announced, determination raging within her. Pampering her children was something Kioku loved doing. Toys, playtime, movies, sleepovers, she was the parent that would spend every free moment she had with her kids.

The fact that Eri and this child didn't have the luxury of doing such simple things... she was going to make it her mission to give them that. They deserved to be children, to have fun, and to be happy. As her grandkids whom she'd adopted in her heart (hoping to make official soon), she was going to give them that.

"Now, sweetheart, I want you to lay down." Unit 001 did, "Yes, dear, just like that! All you have to do is relax. I'm going to put my hands on your head, and these gentlemen here will put one hand on your body. That way, they will be able to enter with us, okay?"


Gently, and with the little bot's full permission this time, they placed a hand on him. Aizawa opted to hold his hand, Dr. Silvan taking the other. Toshinori and Naomasa each had a hand on his shoulder, all four of them giving the small android silent encouragement this way.

Even as they did this, the frown on his face never left. It would take a lot for him to fully trust other people again. They knew this. Hopefully, they could be the first adults he could trust.

Kioku's eyes began to glow softly, "All you need to do is think. It can be anything at all."

"Understood." And so, he did, and they were transported into the viewing room almost instantly. It was the fastest she'd ever experienced, enough to give her and everyone else mental whiplash.

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