"God, you and your stupid eyes. Stop looking like that." Larissa grumbles, walking away and plopping down on one of the beds.

"Ready?" Cas asks.

Sam looks at Larissa and she motions for him to go.

"Not really." Sam answers, walking over to Dean and Cas.

"Bend your knees." Dean warns Sam who does so. Cas puts his hands on their foreheads and the three are gone.

"Well, this is fucking boring." Larissa mumbles.


Larissa is still in the motel, an empty box of pizza on the table along with a couple empty bottles of beer. She's mindlessly flipping through the channels, jumping at the sound of a groan. She sits up, seeing Sam on the floor.

"Sam?" She rushes over. "Hey. Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm-I'm good." Sam says, feeling his stomach. "Well, now, anyway."

"Now? What do you mean by now?" Larissa asks.

"Uh... kind of got stabbed with a pipe and-and died." Sam informs.

"What?!" Larissa shrieks.

"But I'm alive now, so... yay." Sam waves his hands around in the air.

Their reunion is cut short as Dean pops in.

"What's up?" Dean nods to the woman.

"He died?" She asks, pointing to Sam.

"Uh... yeah. But, hey, he's alive, so... yahoo!" Dean fist bumps the air.

"Wha..." Larissa looks between them like they're insane. "I am never being benched again." She points her finger in Sam's face.

"Yes, ma'am." Sam mumbles, leaning away from her finger.

"Idiots." Larissa grumbles.


"Castiel." Sam notices him appear in the room. Cas starts to fall, but Sam gets there first, holding him up. "Hey, hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa."

"Cas!" Dean rushes over, helping Sam keep him up.

"We got you." Sam assures.

"You son of a bitch. You made it." Dean says.

"I... I did? I'm very surprised." Cas says before collapsing.

"Whoa! You're okay."

"Bed?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, yeah." The two get Cas to the closer bed and lay him down on it.

"Well, I could use that drink now." Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam agrees as Dean pours them drinks.

"Well... this is it."

"This is what?"

"Team Free Will. One ex-blood junkie, one dropout with six bucks to his name, one scary badass chick, and Mr. Comatose over there. It's awesome."

"I'm not scary." Larissa argues.

"You threaten to shoot me in the dick, like, once a week." Dean says.

"Well... maybe there's an attitude problem you should fix." Larissa mumbles, taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm gonna--" Dean growls, charging at her, but Sam pushes him back.

"Hey, hey. No." Sam scolds his brother. "No fighting." He demands. "And it's not funny."

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