- Although there is nothing much prepared

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'Today we have 2 guests.' The sound of the intercom goes off. 'They are here. They are here already. Oh my!' Youngji pushes the button to let the 2 know they can come up. 'This is really scary.' There is a knock on the door. 'Oh my! Let me open the door.' The door opens. 'Hello.' The three bow to each other. 'Sit down, sit down. Do you drink or do you want milk.' 'Ah, no milk.' Youngji laughs. 'You are both from 2002 right?' 'Yes.' 'That's right.' 'Okay!' Joy and Jay sit down on the longer side while Youngji sits down on her seat. 'I have to know, who is the best drinker in ENHYPEN?' 'I would say Jay. I'm definitely the worst.' 'You and Jake. You get drunk faster but Jake can't handle a lot either.' 'So the best and worse drinkers are here. That will be a lot of fun.' The three laugh. 'How much can you both handle?' 'About half a bottle of soju.' 'Only half?' Joy nods and laughs. 'How about you?' 'About 2 bottles.' '2 bottels! Let's start drinking.' Youngji hands the 2 their gasses and fills them with a shot of soju.

'Have you guys eaten?' 'Not yet.' 'We just came from practice so we didn't have time to eat yet.' 'Okay! I heard you are both big beef lovers so I got beef for you.' 'Oh!' The 2 guests clap while looking at the plates with beef. 'Chopsticks for both of you.' 'Thank you.' 'Please eat a lot.' The two take both a piece. 'Is it good?' The two nod. 'It's really good.' 'That's good!' Youngji gets up and opens the fridge. 'Do you have a favorite drink?' Jay shakes his head. 'I don't really have one. You really like wine.' Joy nods while chewing a piece of beef. 'Which wine?' 'Bohae Bokbunja.' 'Ah. This one?' Joy smiles as she sees the bottle. 'Oh no.' Jay already shakes his head while looking at the staff. 'I will have to carry her home. Jake will kill me.' Youngji's eyes widen. 'Right! You and Jake are dating?' The two nod. 'A little over 2 years now.'

Youngji hands Joy a glass of the wine and she happily takes a sip. 'Wha! It's really good.' 'What did the other members say about this?' 'About coming here?' Youngji nods as she drinks her drink. 'Heeseung hyung, Jake and Sunghoon wanted to come with us. Sunoo is not a big drinker. He had one drink on his birthday and that was it. Jungwon and Niki are still to young to drink.' 'They wanted to come as well?' 'Yes.' 'That would get really loud I feel.' 'Oh, it would. When Jake, Joy and Sunghoon drink together it gets really loud. My last birthday got really loud because of those 3.' Joy chuckles as Jay tells the story. 'While Heeseung hyung and I enjoyed the drinks and food the other 3 started singing and talking loudly about the drinks. They were really lucky we had a day off the day after.' 'Was it that bad?' The two nod, Joy while turning bright red. Both from embarrassment and from the wine.

'You are with how many members?' '8 members.' '8 members, and you all share a dorm?' 'Yes.' 'How?' Youngji looks at the two with widen eyes. 'Heeseung oppa and I have our own rooms, Jay and Jake in one room, Sunoo and Sunghoon in one room and Jungwon and Niki in one room. We moved to our new dorm a couple weeks ago.' 'Is it in age order?' 'Actually not, it did end up like that but is wasn't the thought about it. Heeseung oppa and I were really lucky winning rock, paper, scissors. So we got our own rooms. The others also did rock, paper, scissors but then for roommates.' 'How many bathrooms?' '1.' '1 bathroom for the 8 of you? How does that go well?' 'It doesn't. Joy loves taking baths so she always has to go last. Heeseung hyung, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo and Niki always leave it a mess making Joy and me clean up after them. Jungwon cleans his stuff but leaves the rest. It's a fight every night for the first shower.' 'Joy you love baths. How long do you stay in the bath?' Joy tilts her head while thinking. 'It really get affected by the day. After a long day of practice like today I would stay in the bath for an hour or two, but on normal days I just take showers.' 'What do you do in that time?' 'I try to relax, not think to much about the boys.' 'Some you time.' 'Yeah.' 'What would happen if someone has to use the toilet?' Joy chuckles while Jay looks down at the beef. 'When I'm planning on taking a bath I always put on a swimsuit so it wouldn't be awkward if the boys need to go.' 'They do it with you there?' Youngji's eyes widen. 'We have a curtain. They don't see me and I don't see them.' 'What if Jake comes in? Do you peek?' Both guests turn bright red. 'No.' 'Ah! Tell me.' 'I really don't.' Youngji looks at Joy. 'Sure?' 'Really sure.' 'Okay.'

8th member?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя