024. teen warlock boy

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, first it was, uh, just bumps and knocks and scratches on the walls. And then it started breaking things." Donna says.

"And then it attacked Katei?" Sam asks.

"That was two nights ago." The dad says.

"Can you show them, honey?" Donna asks.

Katie stands up and lifts her shirt up a bit to reveal the carving in her stomach.

""Murdered Chylde."" Sam reads.

"Katie, everything's gonna be fine. I promise." Dean assures. "Why don't you guys take yourselves a little vacation and, uh, we'll take care of it."

"Thank you." Donna says, sighing in relief.


Sam and Larissa are sitting at the table in the diner and Dean returns with a tray of their food.

Sam grabs his stuff and he sticks a fork in his mouth. Sam pours dressing into the cup of salad before putting the lid back on. He shakes it to mix the dressing with the salad and puts the fork down.

"Oh, you shake it up, baby." Dean comments. "You know, poltergeist aside, Donna looked pretty good, don't you think?"

"Dude, don't tell me you've still got the hots for our babysitter." Sam says.

"What? No. That's weird. I'm just saying that she, you know, she-she's doing good. You know, with her husband, her kid. This whole Amityville thing being thrown at them, and they're hanging tough." Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam mumbles.

"You ever think that you'd want something like that? Wife, rugrats, the whole nine?" Dean asks.

"No, not really my thing anymore." Sam answers. Larissa glances at him for a moment before focusing on her food.

"Yeah." Dean mumbles, noticing Larissa's reaction. "Not... like, not ever? With anybody?" He asks his brother. Sam shrugs.

"I don't know. Maybe if Mrs. Right pops up or something. I just... don't think I'd wanna put her or my kids through this shit." Sam says.

"Right." Dean mumbles. "What do you got?" He asks.

"Uh, well, that house of theirs, it's it's old -- really old. Um, hundreds of years. And I found a legend. It's unconfirmed, but still." Sam says.

"Saying?" Dean asks.

"Supposedly, in the 1720s, the house was owned by a guy named Isaiah Pickett. Legend has it he hung a woman in his backyard for witchcraft, a woman named Maggie Briggs." Sam explains.

"Okay, so an angry ghost witch?" Dean asks.

"If it's true. That still doesn't explain what "Murdered Chylde" means." Sam says.

"No, or where the bitch is buried." Dean says.

"You know, I mean, it's a long way back, but I can see if I can find something in the town records." Sam says.

"It's worth a shot." Dean shrugs.


Larissa has been at her motel room and tried to find what she could on the internet, though it wasn't much. Dean texted and said that Sam was getting them all food and that they'd be back soon.

But after a bit, Sam still hadn't returned so Dean and Larissa are out looking for him and he hasn't answered his phone despite it being hours.

"You know... I'm sure Sammy would marry you." Dean comments as he drives back to the motel.

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