« XIII : The Princess and The Pauper »

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After finding out about where the Pureblood Princess was brought to, Maya and the others then headed back to their living place. Once they were near, the blonde-haired noble vampire asked the human-turned-vampire, "So, brighten me again why we are back here instead of going to rescue Scarlet-chan?" The lower-level vampire woman then turned her head to look at him after she stopped in her tracks. "There is some stuff needed before we go to rescue the Princess." She replied simply before she turned to open the door as they reached their house. "And what are those stuff that is so important than Scarlet-chan herself?" Hanabusa asked again sarcastically now.

Maya frowned and then growled slightly annoyed. "That stuff is the things the Princess has trusted me to keep safe! We can't leave it here when we know we won't return back anymore." She explained and earned a gulp from Hanabusa who was surprised at her sudden loud voice before she toned down her voice. "You lots can get the things you need too. We'll go after that. The castle isn't that far from here too so we are just making a short break." She added before she hurriedly went to her room to get the stuff she said was important enough. Some of them also went to their rooms individually while some like Kaname just waited outside as they did not really have anything to bring with them.

Meanwhile, at the castle where the Pureblood Princess was brought to. At the throne room stood the said Pureblood Princess as she looked up at the throne where there seated an older, yet still look young enough lady who was her mother, the Queen. Beside the throne, she could see the male pureblood vampire who was her kidnapper. Her face was wearing her stoic mask on as her eyes moved back toward her mother. "Good job on returning alive, Princess." The Queen repeated as the Princess did not really answer her previously.

"Yes, my Queen." She politely replied as she bowed down to her own mother. "Raise your head." She heard the Queen speak so she did as she was told so. Then she saw that her kidnapper had walked forward to stand directly beside the throne. Her face still bore the same expression ever since she had arrived back at what was supposedly her home. She did not speak much especially in the presence of her mother, the Queen who she dared not disobey.

The Queen then opened her mouth up again and spoke, "I believe the two of you have met before." She began and Luna shifted her gaze back to her mother. "But, let me reintroduce him again." She heard the Queen speak again before continuing, "He is Parris Ambrose, a Pureblood gentleman who has been engaged to you since you were small. I believe you remember him, yes?" The Queen asked, and Luna just simply replied with a yes. "Good. Then it's easier to talk about it now then." The Queen spoke again and Luna knew where the conversation was going on.

Outside the castle, Maya and the others were back on their track once again after they had gathered the stuff they needed. On their way, curious Hanabusa had asked Maya to tell them more about what she knew about Luna and the Queen. "Before I tell you about the Queen and the Princess, it's better to know more about how I got into the castle first." She said and Hanabusa wanted to comment on it but Ruka just cut him off telling Maya to continue. "It was around when I was still a small human child. I was brought into the castle by the Princess." Maya spoke up, beginning her story and Yuuki turned to look at her surprised at her statement. "Scarlet is the one who brought you to the castle?" Maya nodded her head to her then. "Yes. I was an orphan and had none to rely on. I had lived alone in what you would call a slump and barely had any food to eat or water to drink. It happened one day then..." She began and the others began paying attention to her as they still continued on their journey to the castle, led by Maya.

"It was a normal sunny day, yet it was too hot for a child me who was living in a slump with no water and food to consume. There was no one there who would help me even though I was still a child. After all, they all had their own problems to take care of." Maya started with her story understandingly to the other people at that time there. "They barely had any food and water as well, but they were still able to get some, and I learned from them how they did it. I saw how they got their food and I mimicked that. It was stealing, which I would call hunting back then." She said again and before she continued, Hanabusa jumped in to give his comment. "How could you call stealing hunting? They are not even the same." "It was to me at that time," Maya replied looking at him with a sharp glare. "So, you've become a theft since a young age?" Akatsuki was the one who asked, even though the others had thought so too but kept it to themselves, afraid it would offend the female vampire. Ruka had nudged him slightly on that.

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